Avengers: Infinity War Directors Crown Iron Man the Heart and Soul of the MCU

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2838″ img_size=”900×500″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]I’m going to preface this by saying that not only is Iron Man my favorite superhero, but Robert Downey Jr is far and away my favorite actor. So you can imagine the excitement I felt when I heard that someone other than myself thinks Iron Man is the most important hero in the MCU. But sure enough, Joe Russo told Wired “I think, in a lot of ways,he is the heart and soul of the Marvel Universe.”

What makes Tony the be all, end all? It could be that he’s been in the most MCU films (9, going on 10). It could be that the man portraying him is known as the Godfather of the MCU. It could be that his film is the film that started this whole cinematic universe 10 years ago. Or, it could be because he’s not your average superhero.  Joe Russo went on to say: “He’s a fascinating character, a character that we love because he is imminently flawed and we like characters that are challenging and express their humanity and I think Tony Stark does that as well as any of the characters. He started off as a narcissistic alcoholic and grew into a hero which, I think, makes him imminently relatable and signifies what the Marvel universe stands for, which is character first and the heroes are defined through the choices that they make.” In the MCU, sure other characters struggle with things. Cap struggles with deciding whether to follow unknown rules or do what he knows is right. Black Widow struggles with her past as an assassin. Bruce Banner struggles with being a Hulk. You can make an argument that Star Lord has an identity crisis. But no character’s struggles are more shown more than Tony’s struggles with alcohol. Whether you like it or not, that scene in Iron Man 2 when Tony uses the bathroom in his suit is one of the most important in Tony’s whole character arc. It’s his rock bottom; and it’s a harder fall than other character has had to deal with. To see him bounce back from that low to how he is essentially a father for Peter Parker in Spiderman: Homecoming and Infinity War is nothing short of inspirational. That’s what the MCU is all about. Having characters that inspire us the fans, and nobody does it better than Tony Stark.

Tony’s powers also make him very likeable. Being that he’s just a really rich arms weapon dealer, who’s really smart, it allows the fans to watch him evolve over time. Cap is a super solider, that’s not changing. Hulk can only get so big and angry. Thor can only summon lightning. But Tony, Tony’s abilities gradually get better and better. Who would have thought that Tony would construct a Bleeding Armor suit after seeing his failed attempts at flying in Iron Man? Anthony Russo says “Tony Stark’s powers are fascinating because they basically come from his mind, they come from his scientific knowledge, his brilliance, and his aspirations. It allows you to track a journey in the character and watch him better himself through the use of these powers. He has one of the most exciting power sets of any of the characters.”

The big question is whether or not Tony will survive Avengers 4. We saw him come as close to death as he ever has in Infinity War, and we know that RDJ’s contract is up after Avengers 4. There’s also PLENTY of theories regarding Tony’s death and whether or not it will happen. I, for one, would hate to see a character as influential and awesome as Tony Stark die in the upcoming film.

Do you agree with the Russo’s assessment that Stark is the heart and soul of the MCU? If not, who do you think is? Do you think Tony and the other original Avengers will survive Avengers 4? Let us know below in the comments![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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