Babadook: You Only Think You Care About Content in Horror

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Australian made horror movie The Babadook by Jennifer Kent and starring Essie Davis and Noah Wiseman is a movie that has horror fans divided. I’d say about 40% of people I’ve heard from really don’t like the movie. So you’d think that the majority would, wouldn’t you? Unfortunately, this is where a good portion of my dislike of the movie comes from. See fans of it are divided on what exactly the movie is about. Let me explain.

Some fans believe this is a movie where an exhausted and overworked mother is prayed upon by the titular monster, a sharp toothed boogeyman in a top hat and trench coat (presumably after visiting Austin). The other fans say the movie is about an overworked mom falls pray to her own psyche and torments her son. See? Very different movies, aren’t they? One, a monster/supernatural movie; one, a psychological thriller.

Now, I think the movie is just kind of dumb and doesn’t make sense. But anytime there is an unresolved or questionable flaw in the movie, either camp will simply say “that’s because supernatural” or “it’s all in her head” and BOTH camps love to play the “Why do you need to be spoon-fed the entire plot?” 1) I don’t. 2) (most of the time) I’ve seen many more horror movies than you. 3) I have seen much better interpretations of what both parties are talking about without explanation of the plot.


Besides the weird amount of fans it has, I do have real reasons why I don’t like the movie. The child actor is insufferable. The mom is portrayed as weak and weak willed. Unlike most Austrailian movies, the photography is very so-so. The monster is goofy looking and I couldn’t take it seriously from what is shown. The book raises too many questions. The mom snaps after the boy is actually getting help and is being well behaved. The mom ‘standing up for herself’ scene isn’t triumphant, it’s really blahzay and makes her look the bad guy. The mom is the bad guy. What was the mom shielding her son from? And finally the “I guess it’s a happy ending”…

(End of spoilers)

I’m very sorry if I come off ranty, I even had to take a short break to calm down so my final thoughts aren’t so… aggressive. So instead of ending with “F*** YOU, BABADOOK” like I first typed I’ll leave some words of wisdom. If you like this movie for it’s psychological aspects, try out ‘Session 9’ or ‘One Hour Photo’. If you like this movie for the supernatural elements, ‘House’ (Jap. ’77), ‘The Grudge’ trilogy, or ‘Population 436’. Both: ‘The Haunting’ (’63) and ‘May’.

Also, the movie is based on a great short film Jennifer Kent previously made wherein the monster is real. Eat it.

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