Bob Iger States Star Wars Will Take a Break After Episode IX

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”19614″ img_size=”800×450″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]As we prepare for the latest Star Wars movie, which will be the conclusion to the Skywalker saga, Disney’s Chief Executive Officer Bob Iger is stating that the franchise is going to go on a little break after Star Wars IX. Speaking with Bloomberg Television, he stated that they have not announced any plans for movies moving forward, but that there are movies in development – they just haven’t been announced yet. As for the hiatus that Iger has announced, he commented:

“We will take a pause, sometime, and reset,” he said, “because the Skywalker saga comes to an end with this ninth movie. There will be other Stars Wars movies, but there will be a bit of a hiatus.”

Considering that this film will be the conclusion of the Skywalker saga, it does make sense to take some time out. Disney+ will be coming and offering a wide variety of content, such as The Mandalorian and therefore, fans will still have some Star Wars projects to enjoy. There were solo films planned, but after “Solo” and the success that it didn’t reach, it seems the corporation is looking to take a step back.

How do you feel about Star Wars movies taking a hiatus after Episode IX?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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