Cameron Monaghan Reveals He Was Unsure Fans Would Like Jerome on Gotham

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”12372″ img_size=”800×450″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Cameron Monaghan’s performance as Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska aka Gotham’s version of the Joker has been one of the most enjoyable aspects of the show. The Shameless star really has brought to life one of the better renditions of the infamous Batman villain, but according to an interview with Monaghan, he wasn’t sure hat fans would embrace his performance as Jerome.

“No, I didn’t know what to expect,” Monaghan admitted. “I didn’t know for sure if I was going to do more than that one interrogation scene in that first episode I was in. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to touch the character again, so to be able to have this much fun and to give multiple iterations of that character and then to play another version of this, it’s been insane. It’s been so cool.”

And since we have “twins” in the show, with Jerome no longer present in the series; Monaghan talks about Jeremiah’s presence in the show:

“I’ve enjoyed them both for different reasons. It was cool with Jerome how it was so heightened and kind of cartoony and insane and I could go in any direction with it because he was just this weird ball of destructive energy. It’s nice with Jeremiah to find some glimpses of humanity within him and to bring him back and to make him colder and more chilling in his [methods]. I’m also doing something a little different with this season as we’re continuing to develop the character than where he was at last. He was very systematic and completely irrational last season. Now he’s starting to, because he’s starting to lose his sanity and he’s slipping away without even realizing that he is. He has too much of an ego to realize that he’s slipping. I get to play around more and move around more within the character and I’m having a bunch of fun with this part, too, and also where it’s going is extremely exciting and I can’t wait to hit a couple of these story weeks that are coming up.”

Gotham returns January 3rd!

Source: CB[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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