‘Casual Sex?’ Blu-Ray Review – Lea Thompson And Victoria Jackson Deliver A Unique Spin On 80s Sex Comedies

As Hollywood wises up to the notion that women are at least half of the population and want to see stories they can relate to on screen, we have gotten more projects that break down the distinct boundaries over who can tell which stories. The greatest leap in this has been in the past decade where we can now see a female-led sex comedy and not consider it that much of a novelty. The same could not be said for 1988 when Geneviève Robert made her lone directorial effort with Casual Sex? While the film was not warmly embraced by the critics at the time, the movie did not crater at the box office as it showed there was room for women to be just as focused on physical pleasure as men. While the film is far from a classic piece of cinema, it deserves to be reevaluated for the ways in which it gave women a voice in this space. There is a lot of easy humor, but you can sense that there is a female perspective guiding this one in a way that allows it from becoming your typical sleazy comedy. 

Stacy (Lea Thompson, Back To The Future) and Melissa (Victoria Jackson, UHF) are childhood best friends who live their lives on the opposite ends of the sexual spectrum. With on-camera narration from the two, we are taken through their lives to see how they ended up where they are. Stacy is the more adventurous of the two, racking up an impressive sexual history that has only recently come back to haunt her with the burgeoning AIDS epidemic. Melissa is more of an innocent by comparison, only sleeping with one man and never achieving an orgasm with another person. Stacy convinces Melissa to go to a singles resort to find someone they can settle down with who is free from disease. They each have some memorable encounters at the resort from struggling musician Nick (Stephen Shellen) to the loud-mouthed, obnoxious Vinny (Andrew Dice Clay), but as is typical in female-fronted stories the real magic is in how they relate to one another. 

With a script from Wendy Goldman and Judy Toll adding to the number of female creatives involved with this project, it is easy to see their influence. Most prominently is how sex positive these characters are without being reckless. Stacy has been “promiscuous” in her lifetime, but she really only regrets it when the idea of AIDS comes into the picture which the script handles by offering ways to remain safe while having a fun time. Even a character like Melissa is not turned into a one-note joke as Stacy and other women at the resort help to guide her along her journey by coaching her on how to take command of her own pleasure and not being a spectator in her own happiness. There are moments of jealousy and misunderstandings that pop up like in any comedy, but at the end of the day these two have a friendship that is really lovely to see on screen. The only thing that feels a bit like studio interference is where each woman ends up in their relationships by the end of the film, but nothing feels wildly out of sorts so much that the movie would be ruined. The movie is a sex comedy so it has some level of eyeroll-inducing moments, but it is much more clever and earnest than what you often get from the genre. 


Video Quality

Casual Sex? gets a great release on Blu-Ray courtesy of Mill Creek Entertainment with a 1080p master in the original aspect ratio. The transfer does not seem to be a new, polished-up master, but it appears to be of the same origins of the previously-released Universal disc that retails at a much higher price point. The basic high definition transfer provides natural film grain with only the occasional specks of damage or subtle anomalies. This disc is strong despite the age of the transfer. This is a film that exudes a natural color palette which this transfer shows off quite well with only very minor fluctuations in saturation. Skin tones look natural, and the presentation offers up some fairly deep black levels even if delineation could be a bit better. The disc shows off some excellent details in most instances, but there are moments of softness present in a handful of shots. Mill Creek Entertainment has provided a very strong transfer that should please fans of the film. 

Audio Quality

This new Blu-Ray comes with a lossless DTS-HD 2.0 Master Audio mix that captures the intention of the film really well. The dialogue holds up wonderfully, coming through clearly without being stepped on by the music or sound effects. The environmental effects are delineated nicely from the din of the social gatherings to specific nature sounds. The track avoids any instances of age related wear and tear or distortion. This is a film that utilizes music really well, and it is presented with great clarity. The songs maintain a pleasing fidelity as they fill up the room. This is a track that represents the film in a loving manner. Optional English subtitles are provided on this disc.

Special Features

There are no special features included on this disc. The only notable aspect of this release is the “VHS-Style” slipcover that ships with the packaging sporting some superior cover art. 

Final Thoughts

Casual Sex? is a “golden age” sex comedy that offers a unique point of view within the genre thanks to the multiple female creatives behind the scenes. Lea Thompson and Victoria Jackson have great familiar chemistry with one another that really shines through in their friendship. There are a few of the expected eyeroll-inducing moments, but for the most part it proves to be an enjoyable time. Mill Creek Entertainment has released a Blu-Ray featuring a pretty great A/V presentation at a low price point. If are tired of the same old sex comedies, give this one a spin. Recommended 

Casual Sex? is currently available to purchase on Blu-Ray.

Note: Images presented in this review are not reflective of the image quality of the Blu-Ray.

Disclaimer: Mill Creek Entertainment has supplied a copy of this disc free of charge for review purposes. All opinions in this review are the honest reactions of the author.

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