Daredevil Season 4, 5, and 6 Possible, Jeph Loeb Says

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”6484″ img_size=”800×400″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The third season of Daredevil may not be out yet, but Marvel head says he has plans for well off in the future.

In an interview with EW, Jeph Loeb expressed:

“We find the best showrunners that we can, whether it’s Steve Lightfoot on Punisher or Erik [Oleson] on Daredevil, and we work together with them to craft the best story that we can,” Loeb said. “Does Marvel have an idea as to what Daredevil 4, 5, or 6 could be? Sure. But ultimately those things will be shifted and talked about by the two other important parties that are involved: the network — Netflix — and our showrunner.”

While Loeb stated that they go on a season-to-season basis, they do have ideas if it was possible to keep everything running. Due to building this world, I’m sure I can speak for everyone by saying that we would love for these shows to continue on for multiple seasons. The only problem I feel, is that we had to wait a long time for Daredevil season 3. The shows have been speeding up, already in 2018 we’ve been getting four shows, so if they keep this up it could be possible to keep cranking out more seasons.

There’s no word yet if we’ll be getting a second season of The Defenders, though; it seems unlikely.

“Unlike the movie studio, which can announce a Captain Marvel movie will be out in 2019, the television studio will always be beholden to our networks, and so if our networks want another season of Iron Fist, we’re ready to go,” he said. “We’re just waiting for the answer.”

Daredevil Season three will premiere October 19th![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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