When DC makes plans for a limited series comic, they go in knowing that how well it is received might have a direct bearing on what their future plans are. And when the character in question is Poison Ivy, the chances of being embraced by their fans increases dramatically. Thus, when their initial 6 issue series grew roots with the fanbase, they introduced another 6-issue arc.
This next installment proved to be just as popular as the original 6-issue miniseries. With that in mind, DC has decided to expand even further and turn Poison Ivy into an ongoing comic book series starting with Poison Ivy #13, in June of 2023. This exciting announcement was put out just recently by our friends at DC.

Poison Ivy’s Comic Book Roots Dig Even Deeper
DC’s ‘Poison Ivy’ Limited Comic Book Series Thrives; Grows into Ongoing Series in June 2023
Pamela Isley’s comic book journey has grown beyond her original plan as today the publisher announced the hit six-issue DC mini-series Poison Ivy, which was expanded into a second six-issue arc in December 2022, will continue as an ongoing comic book series beginning in June 2023 with Poison Ivy #13!
Written by G. Willow Wilson, with art by Marcio Takara and covers by Jessica Fong, fan-favorite Poison Ivy’s quest to undo the wrongs of man and return the Earth to the Green persists…at whatever the cost. The comic book series “shines best when we see Ivy being forced to confront humanity, both her own and that of others, and in the process forces the reader to truly see the world” (COMICBOOK).
Launched as a limited series in June 2022 during DC’s annual Pride celebration, Poison Ivy’s dark, lush, character-driven first story arc focused on “an Ivy who is both a giver of mercy and merciless, who is beautiful and deadly, broken and fierce” (COMICBOOK) with psychedelic art and a host of new characters and ethical quandaries that brought Ivy up to the edge of horror from issue to issue. Poison Ivy Vol. 1: The Virtuous Cycle, collecting Poison Ivy #1-6 in a gorgeous hardcover book, arrives on May 16, 2023, wherever books are sold.
Poison Ivy’s second story arc kicked off with two issues of interior art by Atagun Ilhan, a graduate of DC’s Milestone Initiative, who brought “a haunting, evocative vision to Ivy’s newest adventure, with impressive shadow work and explosive action scenes” (AiPT) and delivered “emotional eco-horror energy while building off what came before to enter a new phase for the green-loving villain” (COMICON). Series regular artist Takara then returned to interior art in February’s Poison Ivy #9, available now wherever comics are sold.
When Poison Ivy #13 publishes in June 2023, the hit DC title becomes an ongoing comic book series and brings Pamela Isley back to Gotham City! Poison Ivy #13 will have a DC Pride variant cover by Claire Roe along with main cover by Fong and variants by Kai Carpenter, Frank Cho and Mindy Lee.
Variant cover by JENNY FRISON
Variant cover by XERMÁNICO
1:25 variant cover by MATEUS MANHANINI
1:50 foil variant cover by JENNY FRISON
$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 5/2/23
Ivy and Janet’s celebrity wellness excursion comes to a horrifically tantalizing close as Pamela Isley faces the unintended fruits of her murderous road trip. Will she make it back home to Harley in one piece or is Ivy going to be added to GLØP’s body count?

Variant cover by KAI CARPENTER
Variant cover by FRANK CHO
1:25 variant cover by MINDY LEE
1:50 foil variant cover by KAI CARPENTER
DC Pride variant cover by CLAIRE ROE
$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 6/6/23
There sure is nothing quite like a romantic night with your sweetie in the swamp to make your mouth water. It’s the dawn of a new day as Pamela Isley makes her return to Harley and Gotham City with a lovestruck Janet-from-HR in tow. The tension’s so thick you could cut it with a fan boat’s propeller!

Senior Writer at GeekVibesNation – I am a 60 something child of the 70’s who admits to being a Star Trek/Star Wars/Comic Book junkie who once dove headfirst over a cliff (Ok, it was a small hill) to try to rescue his Fantastic Four comic from a watery grave. I am married to a lovely woman who is as crazy as I am and the proud parent of a 21-year-old young man with autism. My wife and son are my real heroes.