Destiny 2’s Future Looking Bright With Upcoming Black Armory DLC

Destiny 2, similarly to its older brother hasn’t had the easiest start to its life with a frankly lackluster launch and 2 DLC’s which ultimately missed the mark for most casual fans and struggled to keep people invested. That all changed just recently, however, with the launch of Destiny 2: Forsaken, Destiny’s biggest and best expansion to date. I have genuinely never seen a game bounce back as well as Destiny 2 did, with hardcore fans rejoicing and an all-new wave of guardians joining the fight against the darkness. Things were finally looking up in September and 2 months later Destiny has gone from strength to strength and it only looks to be getting stronger.

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Take into account the recent “Festival of the Lost” which was not only an absolute blast to play but was available to any and all players regardless of whether or not they owned the DLC. Plus just yesterday a brand new quest and classic weapon all the way back from Destiny 1 returned for anyone to go and grab and it was overflowing with nostalgia for veteran guardians. This stream of fresh new content is exactly what players needed in year 1 and with the first of 3 brand new DLC’s launching in a matter of weeks things are really looking up.

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“Black Armoury” looks to have guardians rebuilding and crafting all-new legendary and exotic gear as well as brand new activities and an all-new piece of endgame content in the form of a raid lair. With recent rumors about The Last Word hand cannon and Icebreaker sniper rifle making a possible return in the DLC fans of the franchise are in a really good place right now and we can only hope it gets better from here. The following 2 DLC’s included in the Annual Pass are scheduled for releases next year but Bungie has promised more free-to-play content to be added to the game between these paid content drops so hopefully there should be plenty to look forward to going into season 5 and beyond.

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What are your thoughts on DEstiny 2’s current state? Have you been there from day 1 grinding out or have recently picked it for free and are giving it a first try? If so has it made a good enough impression to convince you to purchase Forsaken or maybe even the annual pass? Lets us know down below or over on Twitter. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

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