Podcasts are on the come up in society today. Whether it be listening on the morning commute, while sitting at your desk during work, or just in free time, most people today are listening to some sort of podcast. Heck, even us here at Geek Vibes Nation have a podcast, GeekVibes Live, that you can subscribe to on any app you get podcasts on. But one podcast in particular has caught my attention as of late, and I think it could be the next big thing for a certain actor we all know and love.
Dax Shepard is best known for his work in films like Without a Paddle, Employee of the Month, and Let’s Go To Prison, and his work in television series like Parenthood and Punk’d, or he could be known simply as Kristen Bell’s husband. But since this past February, Dax has been trying his hand at something different: podcasting. Armchair Expert is Dax’s podcast in which he hosts a guest once a week to simply talk, just like regular people. The only thing is, the majority of his guests, and Dax, aren’t regular people. With guests like Kristen Bell, Ashton Kutcher, Jimmy Kimmel, Pete Wentz, Ellen, and most recently, Mila Kunis, just to name a few, the listeners are treated to some great dialogue weekly. Because the guests are so prominent in a world that we all love, it’s exciting and entertaining to hear stories from their childhood, their opinions on how the entertainment industry is going today, inside information on different projects they’ve done, and just chit chat between celebrities. One of the ways Shepard gets his guests to be so open and vulnerable is by openly discussing his own addiction to drugs and alcohol saying “to create some equanimity, it’s required of me to share something that’s very vulnerable.”
In an interview with ABC, Shepard said: “I just really enjoyed being able to talk for an hour or two hours and not be confined to an 8 minute produced segment on a talk show. We were able to veer off into much more profound or personal topics. And you felt like you had the time to give some context to your opinions.” Of his producer, Monica Padman, Shepard said “I’m a white male and it’s important for me to get checked regularly from a female perspective and a person of color’s perspective. It’s very helpful to me to hear how I might have my own personal blinders on and I regularly do.” Padman acts as the producer, while Shepard and the guest take the majority of the conversation, Padman interjects here and there and at the end fact checks Shepard to see where he slipped up during the episode.
Shepard isn’t the only celebrity doing pods either; you can find the likes of Anna Faris (Anna Faris is Unqualified), Kevin Pollack (Kevin Pollack’s Chat Show), Alec Baldwin (Here’s The Thing), and even Jerry Ferrara (Bad 4 Business) doing podcasts as well. However, charts will show that Armchair Expert tops them all.
You can find more info on Armchair Expert at www.armchairexpertpod.com. They’re even going on tour and may be coming to a city near you!

A few of my favorite things include my pet dragon (Drogon), Game of Thrones, Disney movies and theme parks, the MCU, DC movies, Star Wars, sports, and my rather large Funko Pop collection. Daenerys Targaryen is my queen, Robert Downey Jr is my man crush, and Simba is my spirit animal.