Gotham Star Excited For Comic Book Joker Storyline

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”12270″ img_size=”600×319″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]We are so close to the beginning of Gotham’s fifth and final season, we can almost taste it. One of the most popular characters on the show is Cameron Monaghan’s Jeremiah Valeska, who is essentially the show’s version of the Joker. Although they’ve never used that name, we could be getting closer to finally making the plunge into Batman’s most villainous foe.

Speaking with Monaghan, discussing the upcoming plotline, specifically ACE Chemicals. While the actor couldn’t say much, he still was able to express his excitement for this direction of the story:

“Yeah. I mean it’s obviously a huge landmark within the mythos and it is relating to Jeremiah. I don’t want to say exactly what happens and how it goes down but it’s really, really fucking cool. I’m excited for it.”

On top of this, Monaghan went further into his character’s mission for the fifth season. The work is far from over, despite having been able to successfully create No Man’s Land:

“It was interesting in the last season. His plan succeeded. He destroyed Gotham. He marooned it. He created his maze and his image and all this stuff, which is rare for any villain to succeed. So I think that he’s enjoying that he’s king of the roost and he’s sort of working within the shadows with a lot of respect and he’s sort of the big boogeyman in the city right now. I think he’s enjoying that and it’s giving him a sense of ego and hubris. He has got a girlfriend now and he’s more successful than he’s ever been.

“I think that what’s driving him right now and what his plan and what he’s building is, he’s always working or building something, is Bruce. Bruce is his special project. It’s the one thing that’s bothering him and nagging him because it’s the one thing he didn’t succeed at. That’s what we see with him now is he’s happyish but he’s still unsatisfied because he needs to show Bruce how much he loves him, or his twisted version of love.”

Gotham premieres January 3rd, which is a little over a week away! Are you hoping to finally have Jeremiah be called the Joker?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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