GVN Talking Comic Review: Ahoy Comics, ‘My Bad’ Issue 3 by Mark Russell, Bryce Ingman, and Peter Krause

When we last left our new collection of heroes, they were all having to deal with things. The Chandelier suspected that the Emperor King was on to his secret identity. Rush Hour was dealing with not only a public that flaunted good Freeway safety tips but also wandered into the Emperor King’s trap for The Accelerator. Must have taken the wrong off ramp. While Manchild was still trying to find his Zen space. Only the Accelerator was apparently thriving. A good chicken franchise will do that for you. Not to mention a healthy social media presence.

Social Tedia

It all starts with the billionaire vigilante known as The Chandelier, who is still having nightmares about the lovely salad-shooter gift the Emperor King sent him…at his home. Jamington Winthrop, the alter-ego of the crime fighter struggles with what it all means. Having troubles discerning if its more upsetting that the dastardly criminal apparently knows who he is, or the hidden message behind the salad shooter. However, before he can resolve THAT dilemma, a more pressing one rears its ugly head. That damned alien hero The Accelerator has more followers than the Chandelier on social media. How could that be? Don’t people realize how great The Chandelier is? What has that alien done that Winthrop hasn’t done better? Other than sell chicken. This will not do.

Fortunately, Winthrop has a source that will help him resolve this miscarriage of social media justice. He will pay a visit to the once Mighty Insta-Graham. Of all his former villains, no one knows his way around a social media presence more than Insta-Graham. Will his former arch-nemesis be able to assist The Chandelier and overtake the over-rated Accelerator? The results of that search will be revealed in Social Tedia.

Buckle Up!

Elsewhere, the traffic and safety conscious hero know as Rush Hour is patrolling the LA Freeways, looking for Nere-do-wells who flaunt the traffic laws. At this moment, the traffic is at a near standstill as it often is. Amongst the many minions who travels the road is Man-Child in his human form. He is driving a rental car while listening to an uplifting Podcast. All in his efforts to better himself and control the raging beast within. Although….seems like rush hour traffic would either be a bad idea or perhaps, a great way to test self-control. While he sits, our hero Rush Hour appears to recommend that he put on his safety belt. However, before they get into that, they discuss the issue of being sexually objectified…just because he wanted to spank people for breaking the traffic laws. Go figure. But when the discussion of the merits of safety belt usage comes up again, things get heated, and Man-Child goes green. So much for self-control. Not to mention the harm to a rental vehicle. Such is life on the LA Freeway.

Worst Dressed

Our man Rush Hour is also involved in this continued tale. In a case of wrong place, wrong time, Rush hour had stumbled upon an insidious trap, laid by the Emperor King for the Accelerator. He of the impressive social media account…but don’t remind The Chandelier of that. Trapped in a chamber that Emperor King devised no way to shut down, Rush Hour must endure 16 stages of torture. Much to the guilt of the Emperor King. In between each deadly and ridiculous stage, King gets to know Rush Hour. He even finds out that Rush Hour’s cousin was a friend of his from school. Doesn’t help with the guilt complex, that’s for sure. Regardless, there is nothing he can do but let the process proceed and apologize profusely. Why did he have to hate the Accelerator so much? Some of that is revealed in flashbacks. Including a “faulty premise” about “worst dressed.” Hard to believe ANY of these heroes are daring to comment on attire. But that is part of My Bad’s charm.

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I’m really not sure how you could pack so much homage, so much satire, and so much fun into a single comic issue. But somehow, writers Mark Russell, Bryce Ingman and artist Peter Krause pull it off with each issue of My Bad. Issue 3 is no exception. As fans of the series already know, no hero is left unscathed in their collection of diverse crime fighters. Each are given an opportunity to show their wares or their foibles, with hilarious results…unless you’re Rush Hour. After getting trapped in the Emperor King’s snare, having women ask you for spanking’s probably doesn’t seem so bad.

I used to think that Harry Potter had it bad having to sleep in the Dursley’s closet, but Jamington Winthrop’s loyal confident Yates has that beaten. Just how big IS that Armoire anyways? In addition…same color eyes as Winthrop?? Anything you want to tell us Yates? We also learn that unlike heroes like Batman, our buddy the Chandlier is easily distracted when doing research. In fact, the way he went off on a tangent while searching the internet, I could be the Chandelier! I mean really…wait…there’s a sale on lighting fixtures. I’ll get back to you on that thought.

Another winning issue with the iconic Letters to the Editor section and their loving homage to Stan’s Soapbox (Tom’s Toolbox) once again bringing home the comics of days gone by. It isn’t hard to tell that the team of Russell, Ingman and Krause had a lot of fun on this series. It comes through with every issue. So, let’s bring on the next! And someone get poor Rush Hour some medical attention.

Ahoy Comics My Bad, Issue 3 can be found where great comics are sold.

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