In 1984, Troma Entertainment released ‘The Toxic Avenger,’ a superhero comedy splatter film which initially received mixed reviews from critics and fans. The film wasn’t completely loved nor entirely scorned. However, it soon developed a growing cult following. Especially after its home video release, prompting the decision to create multiple sequels.
The Story of The Toxic Avenger
The story follows Melvin Ferd Junko III, a 98-pound janitor at a health club in the fictional town of Tromaville, New Jersey. Melvin is frequently bullied and harassed by his tormentors, who trick him into wearing a pink tutu and hugging a sheep. This prank leads to him being chased around the health club and ultimately falling out of a second-story window. Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on your point of view), he lands in a drum of toxic waste (what are the odds?). Transforming him into a hideously deformed mutant with superhuman size and strength: The Toxic Avenger.
Since its introduction, the story of the Toxic Avenger has been adapted to a cartoon, action figures, a musical as well as a comic book adaptation by Marvel. Since then, the franchise has been revisited, with a new film in development and Ahoy Comics bringing its own unique take on the Toxic Avenger universe. And who better than writer Matt Bors and artist Fred Harper to elevate this now-iconic character to new “toxic” heights?
Exclusive 5-Page Preview
Coming on the 22nd, Bors and Harper are bringing the fourth issue of the series. As violent space-aliens lurk nearby, Toxie battles Bonehead, a high-school-bully-turned-
Thanks to the great folks at Ahoy we are proud to present this exclusive 5-page preview of Issue 4:
Ahoy Comics, The Toxic Avenger, Issue 4 by Matt Bors and Fred Harper, drops on January 22nd. You can find it where all great comics are sold.

Senior Writer at GeekVibesNation – I am a 60 something child of the 70’s who admits to being a Star Trek/Star Wars/Comic Book junkie who once dove headfirst over a cliff (Ok, it was a small hill) to try to rescue his Fantastic Four comic from a watery grave. I am married to a lovely woman who is as crazy as I am and the proud parent of a 21-year-old young man with autism. My wife and son are my real heroes.