The Story of BABS
In the initial four issues of Ahoy Comics’ BABS, readers are introduced to the warrior woman BABS and her unique ensemble of characters. This includes her sarcastic magical sword, Barry, who perpetually feels burdened. Her friend and fellow warrior Izzy. The noble of tongue if not deed, Culpepper. And the unfortunate individuals who have crossed her path and faced the consequences. Many of them “lost face” when challenging her, whether through wit or sword. But mainly by the sword.
A “Miner” Misfortune
For BABS, the consequences of not cooperating with her were particularly severe, especially in her quest to find her friend Izzy. Unfortunately, she fell into the trap set by the Ivory Knights of Unblemished Virtue. This misfortune was all thanks to the information provided to them by Mork the Orc and his band of disgruntled miscreants. On the positive side, it brought her back together with Izzy, provided you don’t mind hard mining work.
GVN Talking Comics Exclusive
This brings us to Issue 5 of Ahoy’s BABS, a bawdy sword and sorcery cornucopia. Thanks to our friends at Ahoy, we are delighted to present this exclusive 5-page preview of Issue 5 and the ongoing saga of the force of nature that is Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows, BABS.
On Wednesday, January 29, AHOY Comics will release BABS #5, the fifth issue of the fun and incisive satire of sword and sorcery created by Garth Ennis, Jacen Burrows, Andy Troy, and Rob Steen.

Senior Writer at GeekVibesNation – I am a 60 something child of the 70’s who admits to being a Star Trek/Star Wars/Comic Book junkie who once dove headfirst over a cliff (Ok, it was a small hill) to try to rescue his Fantastic Four comic from a watery grave. I am married to a lovely woman who is as crazy as I am and the proud parent of a 21-year-old young man with autism. My wife and son are my real heroes.