It’s About More Than the Race
When we last left our intrepid brother and sister team, they were close to the end of the Grand Race. Just a few more miles to a goal that they had aspired to for a long time. Sometimes competing against each other (but what’s a punch in the face between siblings?). Somehow, during the many miles before, their priorities had changed. Seeing the disease and violence that the Autocrat not only allowed but set in motion can do that. The problem was, getting those who had accepted the Autocrats ways to see things were not as idyllic as they seemed. Especially for those on the inside of Odense who didn’t have to deal with those issues.
Shane and Seb’s Plan
Regardless…Shane and Seb planned to let those privileged few see the how the other half on the outside lived. But winning the race was the only way to get inside to accomplish that. So that’s what happened. Shane crossed the finish line first with Seb in tow. She had won a chance to live like those happy, blind sheep. But unlike them, she WASN’T blind, nor was she a Sheep! Her eyes had been opened long before. The question was, could she open anyone else’s eyes?
The Autocrat as Savior
A great test for that was an older gentleman whom Shane was quite fond of. Apparently, Manuel had found his way (after spending pretty much all of his money to do so) to be accepted into Odense. He was thrilled to see Shane and knew she would love it there. In fact, he was puzzled why she would even TALK about going anyplace else. As far as he was concerned, the Autocrat was their savior. Under his rule, the residents of Odense lacked for nothing. The fact that those on the outside suffered was of no consequence. Shane and Seb had a hard row to hoe here.
The Celebration
Soon, the ceremony to celebrate Shane’s victory in the Grand Race and her inclusion into this great society came. She used the moment to lay the truth down to those assembled. She wondered why those on the outside of Odense couldn’t share in their prosperity. The Autocrat graciously explained that if those on the outside were allowed in, soon their paradise would be no more.
The Truth Revealed
But Seb announced from the crowd that their paradise was an illusion. One that the Autocrat could bring to a close at will. He had secretly poisoned all of them. Those on the outside AND those on the in. All the Autocrat had to do was to drop a vialed compound to interact with the poison. From that moment, they would ALL die. Whether you lived in paradise or had to scrounge for every scrap. In the end, they would all die.
Confusion Reigns
However, before Seb could explain further, Manuel had slipped over and grabbed the vial that Seb held. He appeared to be ready to drop it, just to prove that Seb was lying. The fear in the Autocrat’s eyes should have explained otherwise. Meanwhile, Shane took advantage of the confusion and rammed a knife into the Autocrat’s stomach. That’s ONE way to get the point. (Yeah, I said that.)
Spare Autocrats
Quickly, the Autocrat’s men pulled him away toward the waiting helicopter he had arrived in. But no sooner did he get dragged in, another Autocrat climbed out. Nothing like having a spare in case of emergencies. Much to Manuel’s relief. The Autocrat would be fine. Nothing to see there. Go back about your day-to-day citizens. It was apparent to Shane and Seb that no matter the facts presented, some people preferred to live with blinders on…and unfortunately, Manuel was one of those people.
A Reckoning Coming
Meanwhile, the other part of Shane’s plan was rapidly approaching. The Dog Heads were coming. They would breach the walls of Odense and bring the whole place down. As for the NEW Autocrat, he would leave the people to fight for themselves. No need for him to go down with the sinking ship. But ONLY him as some people found out. Especially when they tried to enter his helicopter only to be shot for their trouble. Manuel also attempted to ride to freedom. Only to soon be tossed out to the cold hard truth…and ground many feet below.
A New Start
As for Shane and Seb, they had tried to shake the people of Odense out of their pseudo tranquil malaise. But they had refused until it was too late. At that point, it was hard to feel too bad for them. It was like the old proverb, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.” Hopefully, something good would come from it all. But as for them, they had done their best. Now, they had their own lives to live. It was time to do that.
The relationship between writer Ryan Lyndsay’s Speed Republic and some of the current affairs going on now are too similar to ignore. For some reason, there are people who will refuse to accept the truth of what is going on around them. Despite having the facts laid out for all to see. They will instead assume that despite those facts, those truths, a lie is more easily accepted. Especially if it reconciles to their way of thinking or their circumstances. Such is the direction the people of Odense chose to follow. Regardless of if it eventually leading them to ruin.
A Powerful Examination
Wrapped in the narrative of the Grand Race, Lyndsay has laid out a powerful examination of how people perceive the truth. Exploring how blind faith can transpire and make them oblivious of what is going on around them. Despite evidence to the contrary. Plus, it also reveals that regardless of some people’s best efforts to bring the truth to light, it can all go to the “dogs,” so to speak. Unfortunate but more often than not, true.
A Successful Series
Of course, there are other ways to look at it. Which is what makes Speed Republic an interesting story and a great avenue for discussion. I would call that a successful job by both Lyndsay and artist Emanuele Parascandolo whose work on the final issue was perhaps his best to date. Mad Cave Studios Speed Republic Issue 5 by Ryan Lyndsay, Emanuele Parascandolo, Michele Monte and Joamette Gil arrives on June 29th.
If you haven’t followed the whole Speed Republic saga, you can go back and find the issues you missed. Then again, you also could wait for the TPB to be released and read it in its complete glory. Or better yet, there is Mad Cave’s Subscription service found here. Either way, enjoy the Race.

Senior Writer at GeekVibesNation – I am a 60 something child of the 70’s who admits to being a Star Trek/Star Wars/Comic Book junkie who once dove headfirst over a cliff (Ok, it was a small hill) to try to rescue his Fantastic Four comic from a watery grave. I am married to a lovely woman who is as crazy as I am and the proud parent of a 21-year-old young man with autism. My wife and son are my real heroes.