In Issue 1
In our last encounter with Huge Detective, the most probable witness to the murder under investigation by Detectives Tamaki and her HUGE partner Gyant was a young man undergoing psychiatric evaluation. Manny, who was convinced he was a Huge (as the giants were known), was trying to hold his breath underwater in his sink to break his personal record. Seeing her one witness appearing to put himself in harm’s way, Detective Tamaki intervened, resuscitating him from his apparent drowning.
This earned her a shove against the wall, a bump on the head, and Manny’s ire that she had prevented him from achieving his goal. Tamaki, irritated to be “Manny-Handled,” pulled her weapon and told him to lie face down on his cot. Just in time for the doctors to come in to sedate him. But as they try to restrain him to give him his shot, he tells them of his need to go back under. His words make no sense to Detective Tamaki. He speaks of bobbleheads and where people are being kept. But the drug takes effect before they can learn more.
Lunar Discovery
However, while that is going on, there is more breaking news from the moon. It appears that a tremor on the moon has revealed the skeletal remains of a Huge. It has broken free from the lunar surface and is heading toward Earth. This invites discussion whether the Huge originated on Earth as suspected or elsewhere. Meanwhile, in the time-honored tradition of overkill, the Federal government officials are considering a nuclear strike on the remains if it keeps its current trajectory.
Gyant Investigates
Back at the crime scene, Detective Gyant has submerged under the water where the victim was found. There is a school bus deep in the water and a doll-like figure near the front of the bus. Perhaps the bobblehead figure Manny referred to. Soon he comes up into the cavern that is the center of the investigation. He perceives someone in there with him, but he is not sure if it is a fellow Huge or a Doll (Human). Whatever it was, it spoke in poetic verse. And there was music from an old phonograph playing in the cavern. It hurt his ears, so he smashed it. But as Gyant continued to look, the cavern shook, and a piece of rock fell and impaled his hand. He quickly tore off some of his clothing to bandage the wound. As he did so he found some mysterious writing in the cave. “Go Deeper” it said.
Destroying Evidence
As he moved further, a doll’s canine was in the cave. He attempted to get it to move aside but it instead bit him on his thumb. Gyant reacted instinctively, smashing the poor dog against the wall. He immediately regretted it. First the record player, then the dog. He was destroying evidence. Tamaki would not be happy. He could still smell both human and Huge in the cavern. Plus, he found the body of a doll and a tooth from a Huge. He would try not to disturb anything else in order to preserve what clues remain. Anything not to have Tamaki ragging him.
Back on the surface, Tamaki had returned to the place where they fed Gyant. She had expected him back by now. She radioed in to see if they had heard anything from her “partner.” The last they knew; he was still at the crime scene. Although her dispatcher was concerned whether Tamaki was having any issues working with a “Huge.” Her mother had been killed during the Omega Event Battle with them. Tamaki’s head was still aching from her encounter with Manny and didn’t answer as she needed her medication. Meanwhile, the skeletal Huge was still making its way toward Earth.
After a solid Issue 1, Huge Detective continues to reveal clues that only add to the mystery. What happened in that cavern and what did Manny see? Why were those inhabitants, be they Huge or human down there in the first place? Why were there Huge remains under the surface of the moon, and what caused the tremors that revealed them. Will the government go that extra mile to destroy the Huge skeleton before it impacts the earth? And finally, can Detective Tamaki continue to set aside possible conflicted feelings about the Huge while working with Gyant? A multitude of questions with answers soon forthcoming. Thus far, Adam Rose has skillfully prepared the ground for an undoubtedly astonishing series of revelations as the plot progresses. Meanwhile, Magenta King and Rose have skillfully crafted a story brimming with suspense, unique characters, and an engaging narrative that captures the reader’s attention and makes stopping a non-starter.

Senior Writer at GeekVibesNation – I am a 60 something child of the 70’s who admits to being a Star Trek/Star Wars/Comic Book junkie who once dove headfirst over a cliff (Ok, it was a small hill) to try to rescue his Fantastic Four comic from a watery grave. I am married to a lovely woman who is as crazy as I am and the proud parent of a 21-year-old young man with autism. My wife and son are my real heroes.