IMDb’s Movies That Changed My Life Launches New Podcast Episode With For All Mankind’s Joel Kinnaman

In a brand new episode of IMDB’s Movies That Changed My Life, Joel Kinnaman comes on to talk about Taxi Driver, La Haine, and Pusher. Kinnaman is a Swedish actor who is currently in Apple TV+’s For All Mankind. If you’ve followed anything I’ve done, you know I’m a huge fan of his. We’ll also see Kinnaman reprise his role as Rick Flag in James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad.

Here is an excerpt from that interview, where Kinnaman talks about how Taxi Driver inspired him to become an actor:

I think I’d seen it when I was a little bit younger you know, when I was a, you know, 17, 18
something like that. And didn’t really you know, liked that but didn’t sort of see the great — like
I think it had less action in it than I was hoping. And then, I revisited it when I had started to
become an actor. And then, when I was paying attention to it in a different way and was just
mesmerized by De Niro’s performance and, how the, you know how they told the story of this

And, it was just, there was just so many colors there. And then he was, you know he
was such a scary psychotic dude but you were there with them at every step of the way. And,
and it was, and I just started thinking like how fun it would be to play a character like that. And
to, have that concentration of a filmmaker to tell the story of a character in that way, it was
just, it was, it became like a shining light of what I want to do with my life.

Make sure you check out IMDB’s Movies That Changed My Life by clicking here.

(Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore)

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