James Gunn Reveals Marvel Didn’t Know About His DC Deal When First Discussing Rehiring Him

James Gunn had been let go from Disney in 2018, following the resurfacing of old tweets from about ten years prior. The internet went crazy. Speculation as to what would happen to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 and who would fill Gunn’s shows was the talk of the internet.

Then, eight months later, Gunn was rehired! In between that time, Gunn was brought on to be the writer and director of DC’s The Suicide Squad. People surmised that part of the reason why Disney wanted Gunn back was because of his move over to DC, but Gunn revealed, in a recent response on Instagram; that Disney didn’t know about The Suicide Squad deal at the time of Gunn’s rehiring.

This means that when Marvel first started speaking with Gunn, it was only about a few months after him being let go that the discussions began to get him back.

Source: CB

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