Josh Trank On Warner Bros. List to Direct ‘Green Lantern Corps’ (Exclusive)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Let me start off by saying we are not in the scoop business so you can treat this as rumor, total BS, or whatever you like.

Geoff Johns announced recently that he was writing a new script for Green Lantern Corps. Johns also commented on how the film be a complete reimagining of the film and he hopes Warner Bros. and DC both like his script. We have learned that Warner Bros. is actively looking for a director and at the top of their list is Chronicle director Josh Trank. Josh Trank is most known for the debacle that was his Fantastic Four film so many fans will not want Trank anywhere near a Green Lantern film.

Trank found success with his film Chronicle before being hired to direct Fantastic Four for FOX. Trank has maintained the studio is to blame for the films failure and that they interfered with his cut. We cannot confirm that Trank has had any talks with Warner Bros. about directing the film but only that he is at the top of their list for directors.

Warner Bros. does not have a great track record when it comes to tampering with a directors film but that was under the old regime and things might be different under Walter Hamada. Are the fans willing to give Trank another shot should he be the one hired for the job? Josh Trank is currently filming the Al Capone biography, Fonzo, with Tom Hardy.

What’s your thoughts on a Josh Trank Green Lantern Film? Leave us a comment below.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”1521″ img_size=”500×500″ alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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As long as they give him the amount of creative freedom that James Wan received, then his Green Lantern Corps movie should turn out fantastic (pun intended).