The problem you get when you decide to take a brief hiatus (ok, it was three years) away from your normal place of residence, the next thing you know people are taking over your place. That is the situation The Fantastic Four are finding themselves in after making their return to the Marvel Universe. While the Baxter Building is still home, they may find their old stomping grounds a little more crowded than they remember.
“As we get back to things down on Earth, we introduce a new team of Super Heroes who are operating out of the Baxter Building who are surprised when the Fantastic Four show up on the doorstep, thinking that they still have the rent on the place,” executive editor Tom Brevoort said on the This Week in Marvel podcast.
When you think about it … Reed, Sue and company shouldn’t be too surprised. They only have to look at JRR Tolkien’s the Hobbit. Bilbo Baggins left his comfortable Hobbit hole for just a bit of adventuring and when he returned, the Sacksville Bagginses were measuring his windows for new curtains. What does that have to do with our first family of conics? Nothing really I just like bringing up Tolkien.
Here is a look at the Fantastix on Esad Ribic’s cover to Fantastic Four #4
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Senior Writer at GeekVibesNation – I am a 60 something child of the 70’s who admits to being a Star Trek/Star Wars/Comic Book junkie who once dove headfirst over a cliff (Ok, it was a small hill) to try to rescue his Fantastic Four comic from a watery grave. I am married to a lovely woman who is as crazy as I am and the proud parent of a 21-year-old young man with autism. My wife and son are my real heroes.