‘Marvel’s Agents of Shield’ Season 6 Final Recap: ‘The Sign’ and ‘New Life’

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]So we have reached the conclusion of Season Six of Marvel’s Agents of Shield with the two-part Finale. While it concluded the Izel, Sarge storyline, it kicked open the door to an exciting series wrapping Season 7. But before we can talk about that, we need to wrap up Season 6. So let’s explore the last two episodes, The Sign and New Life.

Sarge or Coulson? That is the Question

With Mack and Yo-Yo still with Izel, that leaves Daisy and May running the show at the Lighthouse. Since, Daisy revealed a bit of the creature inside of Sarge, both May and her believe that Sarge is the only one strong enough to stop Izel. However, May is of the hope to somehow separate Coulson from the entity that shares his body. Sarge isn’t so sure that will work; if the demon is gone, what’ll be left of him? As for Daisy, she just wants for Sarge to end Izel.

A Rose-Gold Version

Making the decision to bring Sarge along, Daisy and May head with him into the jungle to confront Izel. Before they leave, team FitzSimmons tells them they have found a way to block her from possessing them. However, they have not made enough of the bracelets yet. Deke steps forward and opens up a case of multiple bracelets. Fitz and Jemma are extremely impressed and wonder how he was able to fabricate them so quickly. He slyly comments if he had a bit more time, he could have produced a “rose gold” version (tip of the hat to Apple).

Upon the ground team’s arrival, the Lighthouse team initially keeps in contact with the them to monitor their progress. At least until Sarge recommends that they stop. It is his experience that Izel seems to be able to detect such transmissions. So with the team now maintaining radio silence, Jemma, Fitz and crew feel helpless to assist. Deke, however has other ideas. He leads Fitz-Simmons to what was thought to be a previously empty floor of the Lighthouse. Before he enters, he reminds them to remember how impressed they were when he showed them the bracelets? Keep that thought. He opened the door to reveal he had moved in his tech startup team. It was this group that built the slap bracelets that keep Izel from possessing people including now, Deke’s rose-gold version.

I Thought You Said Our Grandson was a Delight?

They are also working on the “Shaw Drive.” A jump drive that could allow agents to teleport into the temple to free Mack and YoYo…theoretically. Realizing what Deke has been doing, Fitz yells at him about stealing tech, patenting it, and selling it for profit. He turns to Jemma and says, “I thought you said our grandson was a delight?” Jemma replies, “He’s a work in progress.” Fitz asks Deke if he has tested the drive. He replies, they have had some successful tests. Not all of the rats died. But he assures them that, with them working together, they can fix it. He tells his people that whatever his grandparents want (once they pass it through him) give it to them. As they work, Fitz still gives Deke grief about what he has been doing. He calls him a hack.

Finally, Deke who has had enough, tells him that he built his company because he doesn’t fit in anywhere else. He’s a man out of time and all of his friends are dead. The woman he likes thinks he’s a loser and even his own family thinks he’s a joke. Vowing to prove them wrong, Deke straps the untested jump drive to his back and teleports. For their part, his tech team applauds while FitzSimmons looks on in shock that he did it. He appears into the temple, giving him the opportunity to free Mack, and YoYo, and Flint who he is shocked to see. He slaps his newly made Izel repellent bracelets on all three of them, giving his to Flint.

Day of the Living Shrikes

Meanwhile, Izel has released her shrike to find new hosts. This time, onto a nearby resort. The infected begin to move toward the temple, like the Night of the Living Shrikes, forcing Sarge, May, and Daisy to defend themselves. This effectively ruins whatever element of surprise they might have had. Realizing that there are too many for them to fight off, Daisy volunteers to draw the infected away from the temple and back towards the Quinjet. That leaves May and Sarge to continue the assault.

After successfully leading the infested resort inhabitants away and toward the Quinjet, she finds Mack and YoYo aboard. Mack and Daisy argue about the mission, especially about the wisdom of bringing Sarge along. With the Zombie Shrikes invading the ship, they realize that they would not be able to fight them all off. Because of this, they barricade themselves in the disabled Quinjet. This proves temporarily effective but during their attempts, one of the shrike infects YoYo.

A Simple Question

At this point, I have to inquire. Why does the person who the shrike infects not just reach up and pull the thing out of their mouth? In both YoYo and in the late Agent Keller’s case, they had an opportunity to reach up and attempt to stop it from entering them? Does it cause a temporary paralysis of the hands so you cannot do anything but clutch your throat? Grab that thing and pull it back out. Just sayin. Now back to our story…

Should have Read the Instructions

Deke, after trying to allude the Shrike Zombies, attempts to teleport back to the Lighthouse, but the jump drive needed 30 minutes to recharge. (Which he would have known had he not so impulsively used the drive). Instead, he is finds himself away from the temple and into the jungle, where he locates another jet. Fortunately for Deke, Mack overhears him trying to hail the Lighthouse on the radio. He talks Deke through the steps of bypassing the power to the jet so he can pilot it over to rescue them.

Shield Protocol

Back at the Lighthouse, the reason that Deke couldn’t get an answer was because it has been taken down and controlled by Chronicom hunters. Apparently, all of the Chronicom anthropologists that Enoch had hoped to organize have been redesignated as hunters. This includes Isaiah, who is sent to Kitson to eliminate Enoch. In addition, because of the mind prison they had held FitzSimmons in, the hunters know everything that Fitz-Simmons know about SHIELD protocols. This included the emergency escape protocols in case of invasion.

Using their knowledge of Shield procedure, the hunters systematically make their way through the Lighthouse, finding and killing SHIELD agents. While, at the same time, searching for the Framework technology. Realizing they have been compromised, FitzSimmons orders the surviving agents to go to where Deke’s tech startup is based to hide. Their theory is because they were not aware of Deke’s  lab when they were held captive by the Chronicoms, then the hunters shouldn’t know about their location either.

Enoch’s Bluff

Knowing that the Chronicoms want the Framework, they go to where it is stored and rig it with explosives. Unfortunately, they cannot remote detonate their charges. Accepting their fate, they prepare to sacrifice themselves to blow up the Framework using a grenade. They find solace in the fact that they will be saving lives, and go together. As they are cornered by the hunters, the two are saved by Enoch. Apparently, Enoch was able to defeat Isaiah and used his skin to infiltrate the hunters (Enoch’s Bluff) thus saving Fitz-Simmons. After Enoch replaces the pin into their grenade, he tells FitzSimmons that he believes there is a way to escape, but… it will mean forever altering the course of their lives. So what ELSE is new.

The Temple

Meanwhile, back at the temple, May and Sarge enter to confront Izel. It becomes a battle of wills as Izel and May each try to get Sarge to join them. As for Sarge he tries to kill Izel but cannot follow through with a killing stroke. All he knows is anger, fear, and pain. May tells him that the pain he feels is love. Listening to what May is saying, he realizes that the only way to rid himself of the pain is to cut it out of himself. He accomplishes this by stabbing May with the sword and pushing her through the gateway to the other realm. Izel had been waiting for a sign to bring her people over. Sarge asks her: “How’s THAT for a sign?”

However, in the other realm, life and death are meaningless. Pulling herself up from a pool of blood, May removes the sword from her abdomen. She then uses it to take out the three guardians of the temple who were in the process of using three monolith stones to open the portal. May takes the stones and throws them back through the portal so Izel will know her plans have been derailed. (Perhaps maybe not the smartest move in retrospect).

Gathering them up, she questions if Sarge underestimated May or did he push her through on purpose. Regardless, Izel goes through the gateway and battles May on the other side. It is a brutal fight that goes both ways. Eventually, Izel holds May off long enough to replace the stones that open the temple door. (See May, you should have kept them). This opens the path for the rest of her people’s go into the temple in order to access the gateway.

The Final Battle

Back on this side of the portal, Daisy, Mack, and YoYo confront Sarge who has fully released the demon. As they battle they find that Pachakutiq can withstand Daisy’s quake ability. He is also physically stronger than Mack though he puts up a valiant fight. While the Sarge/Pachakutiq entity fights them off, the Shrike inside YoYo starts to take control. The problem is, neither Daisy nor Mack has the will or the heart to kill YoYo. Mack’s hesitation allows the now Shrike possessed YoYo to turn the tables and start choking the life out of him.

As for Daisy, Sarge turns her so that her back is to the gateway. He then goes into a lengthy diatribe about torturing her for eternity once his people come through. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Daisy, Izel comes through the gateway preparing to stab Daisy from behind. Suddenly, May comes through the portal and impales her through her back, killing her. Her death causes the shrike infesting YoYo to die, as she coughs up its black remains. May starts to collapse but before she does, she throws the sword to Mack, who cuts the Demon in half which closes the gateway.


We Had Time

Daisy scrambles to May who asks if there was anything of Coulson left. She tells her no but May takes solace in that she will see Coulson soon. May appears to die in Daisy’s arms when Simmons arrives at the temple with a team in hazmat suits. She assures the team that May will be fine. They have brought along the cryogenic chamber similar to the one Fitz was stored in. May is placed into the pod with the idea her tissue will be repaired once her body reaches the correct core temperature.

Meanwhile, the hazmat team collects samples from the monoliths. Mack questions the wisdom of not destroying the monoliths. Jemma assures him that it will be taken care of as the SHIELD agents board Zephyr-1. They find that the ship has been equipped with an updated jump drive. As they leave the surface, the Zephyr fires on the temple, blowing it up. Mack and Daisy find out that the Zephyr is being remote piloted by Fitz, although he is not on the plane. Their destination?  New York City. However, they find that landscape has changed and that the Empire State Building is now the tallest building in the city. In fact, it could be the tallest building left in the world according to Simmons. They also notice that the building is still under construction.

When pressed for an explanation, Simmons explains that the Chronicom hunters are attempting to turn Earth into Chronyca-3. In addition, they have obtained possession of Fury’s black box and with it, access to centuries of SHIELD information. Jemma tells them that they believe SHIELD is the only organization strong enough to foil the Chronicoms plans.

You can’t keep a Good Coulson Down

To accomplish this however, they needed someone with a vast and intimate knowledge of Shield and its history. With this in mind, Enoch has helped create SHIELD’s most advanced Life Model Decoy. It has been given Chronicom tech as well as all of its host’s memories including what has transpired to this point. The virtual curtain is pulled back and Simmons introduces the Coulson LMD. He will serve as Mack’s right hand man and help them defeat the Cronicoms. The camera closes in on the Pseudo Coulson’s face as he opens his eyes, and greets the team: “Hi, Guys.”


While this closes the chapter on Sarge and Izel, it opens an even bigger book on what is going on now. What does Enoch have planned for the Shield team and why did they apparently go back in time (again)? How will the Chronicom’s plans effect Earth and will they follow our heroes back in time to confront them? What will May’s reaction be to the Coulson LMD?  How will the LMD Coulson react to May? Above all else….they better figure out a way to get Fitz and Jemma back together. They have only one season left to accomplish this and that is already in the can. It’s going to be a long year’s wait.

Preparing for the Final Shield Mission

In the meantime, did you enjoy Season 6 of Marvel’s Agents of Shield? If so, let us know why or what you would have like to have seen done differently at GeekVibesNation. If you haven’t watched Marvel’s Agents of Shield yet, this would be a great time to start.

You have an entire year to play catch up. I guarantee, if you can muscle through the first few episodes of Season One while they are getting their Shield legs, you will enjoy it. Each season gets a little better with Season 4 being the high water mark for the series. But that’s just my opinion. The best way to form your own is to watch it yourself. That’s your Shield assignment. You must watch all  6 seasons so you’ll be ready to be called into the field when the final season of Marvel’s Agents of Shield is released. 👍 🖖🏻


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