Matt Reeves’ Batman Will Not Be a Rookie

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”16369″ img_size=”900×500″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]There’s been a lot of buzz around Matt Reeves’ upcoming Batman movie, which entails a younger Batman. This idea has many believing that the Caped Crusader will be a rookie and just learning the ropes. Reeves, himself; has looked to clarify that while he is looking for someone in their late 20s, his Bruce Wayne will not be a rookie.

There’s also word that this Batman will concentrate on his detective skills, which has been a vital part of the character throughout comics and even the animated series, but never really emphasized on the big screen. While I am sure there are still those out there skeptical of Reeves’ decision in casting, it is good to know that we will not be getting a rookie in this latest adaptation of one of the most well-known superheroes.

The Batman will hit theaters June 25, 2021.

Source: Heroic Hollywood[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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