Michael Giacchino Talks About The Freedom He Has On The Score For ‘The Batman’

Composer Michael Giacchino is no stranger to working with The Batman Director Matt Reeves. In fact he has worked with him on three different pictures, including Let Me In and the last two Planet of the Apes films. So given the chance to put his own spin on the iconic Batman soundtracks of the past was a no brainer for the talented composer.

Recently he talked with Collider about the challenges and freedom he has working with Phillips.

I felt total freedom to do whatever I want. Matt always agreed, this is our Batman, this is our vision. In the same way that I always loved, what I still do about Batman comics and graphic novels is that each of these artist, each of these authors they take their own crack at what they want this to be. It’s their version of Batman. I love it when I see a graphic novel of Batman in the 1800s. To me that is cool. I love that. I’m not the kind of person that says Batman must always be this. It’s like no, why? It can be whatever the artist wants to be and it has over the years done that, many times over. I love the idea of taking something and just kind of doing our version of it.

Now with the coronavirus bringing things to a temporary halt, Giacchino has time to perfect his work and take on other projects. Do you have a preconceived notion of what a Batman film should sound like Music wise? If so, give us your insight on the perfect Batman Score with us at Geek Vibes Nation.

h/t: Collider

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