Reasons Why We Love Vigilante in ‘Peacemaker’

The Peacemaker series has certainly made its mark as one of the best comic-book shows to come out in the past few years. And while John Cena has wiggled his way into our hearts, I think it’s someone else in the HBO Max show who is the real star. And that is Freddie Stroma as Adrian Chase aka Vigilante. Who knew before the show aired that we’d all fall in love with this other anti-hero?

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on Vigilante and why we love him.

He’s Always a Good Time

While the show Peacemaker is a great time, there are a lot of somber and serious moments woven into the series. From Chris (Peacemaker) dealing with his regret and evaluating himself as a person, to Leota’s inner struggle over her morales, and other sad moments, Peacemaker wasn’t without its serious moments. However, with Vigilante around, everything was made better. As Adrian said, there’s never a bad time to rock. And with his general situational cluelessness and upbeat attitude, Vigilante uplifted every scene he was in.

He’s a Great Friend

Peacemaker may not be happy to have such a peculiar bff, but the reality is that Vigilante is a loyal friend. While Peacemaker can drive people away with his personality and attitude [at times], this doesn’t deter Vigilante. To Vigilante, Peacemaker is the best. And he’ll do anything for him, even if that means taking the rifle to kill a bunch of people that Peacemaker is having a moral dilemma over. We’d all be happy to have a best friend like Vigilante, even if his admiration can be a little much at times.

His Heart is in the Right Place

Vigilante may not make the best decisions, but his heart is in the right place. Even though he’s a killer, he does have a sense of what’s right and wrong. He didn’t hesitate in attempting to kill Peacemaker’s dad for being the racist, homophobic, sexist piece of shit asshole he was. And while his obsession with killing with a chainsaw may be questionable, he wanted this means of killing for a good reason. Arguably, for what the Task Force needed; Vigilante may have been better equipped to do it than Peacemaker.

He’s Actually a Great Fighter

Piggybacking on what I said in the last point, I think Vigilante is a great fighter. He’s skilled, efficient, and just fun to watch while fighting. I don’t really have anything further to say on this point, other than he’s great at what he does.

Why do you love Vigilante in the Peacemaker series? Let us know!

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