Robert Downey Jr Pokes Fun At Chris Evans Using Infinity War Meme

In the current MCU, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are not friends, to say the least. Rogers leaves Tony a phone to call him if Tony needs anything at the end of Captain America: Civil War, but that’s the last time the two communicate. We’re all under the assumption the two will meet back up in Avengers 4 and reconcile and all will be good again as they try to save the day.

However, in real life, Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans are good pals, as I’m sure we could say about the entire cast of the MCU. But being good pals, can sometimes come with some mockery at each other, and that’s exactly what happened earlier this weekend on our favorite social media app, Twitter. The user @MarvelOfRogers created a meme showcasing the two sides to the actor who plays Captain America, you can see the tweet below.

On the left it has the ultra-serious, war ready Steve Rogers; however, on the right we see the jokester and playful image of Chris Evans. Robert Downey Jr seemed to enjoy this, as he quoted the tweet adding “one word: accurate.” Now, I for one, would not be able to be typing this article if RDJ quoted my tweet, as I probably would have died of excitement; however, it’s pretty cool to see these guys can still have fun with each other even though their tenures together are supposedly coming to an end rather soon.

Let us know in the comments what you think about celebrities interacting with their fans, and how you feel about the bromance between RDJ and Evans seemingly coming to an end after Avengers 4!

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