Star Wars Battlefront II’s Latest Update add’s New Map, Hero Skin, and Plenty of Changes

Star Wars Battlefront II may just be about to come back to life. Lead game designer Dennis Brannvall recently revealed the game has the same amount of players now than it did one month after launch. It appears the devs are looking to capitalize on this adding new content and fixes to already existing problems. Some of which are arriving in today’s most recent update.


What about the droid attack on the Wookies? 

The update is, for the most part, bug fixes and hero changes but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any new content to play around with. The largest addition from the update is a new map for the Capital Supremacy game mode which will be set on Kashyyyk. The recently added game mode is easily the largest in the entire game and has teams battling over command posts for total ground control. The winning team then boards their opponents capital ship to try and disable it. Up until now the game mode only has one map; Geonosis and so this variation is much needed.

 The map is said to be based on Kashyyyk’s Galactic Assult map with some minor tweaks.

Aren’t you a little short for a Stormtrooper?

A total surprise addition to the game was the new skin for Leia. The skin is based on her Episode IV appearance and is titled “Princess of Alderaan”. The skin cannot be bought using credits like every over skin but instead is tied to an event involving capturing command posts in Capital Supremacy. The event is yet to start so when the update does drop you, unfortunately, can’t unlock the skin right away, but it is set to become available during the games “May 4th” event starting on May 1st and ending May 6th. This is a skin most of us have desperately wanted in the game for a while now so its really nice to see them include it.

At last, we’ll reveal ourselves to the Jedi…

That about does it for actual content drops but the meat of this update is in the hero changes, and bug fixes. There’s way too many to go over all of them here so we’ll just go through the important stuff.

Both Darth Maul and Yoda will now be getting blocking mechanics. Yoda has always been able to block blasters and force abilities using the force but now he’ll be able to block lightsaber attacks with his own lightsaber. Maul will be able to block everything using his infamous double-bladed lightsaber. Hopefully, this will make Yoda a little more viable in Heroes vs Villains and by the sounds of it, Maul will be a beast in Galactic Assult. Only time will tell…

Anakin will be receiving plenty of much needed nerfs in this update because he is still ridiculously broken as I’m writing this. The ranges on his  Pull Dominance and Retribution abilities have now been reduced and his Passionate Strike ability now no longer knocks enemies to the ground. He’s also had a small stamina reduction. Other changes include some small buffs to Obi-Wan and Vader and a rather unexpected nerf to Yodas Presence ability, probably a result of him now having a block.

If you wish to see the full patch notes you can check out the community transmission here: Battlefront EA Forums

The update is currently not out yet so I haven’t gotten the chance to play on the new map or try out the heroes but from what we’ve seen here it’s looking good. They seem to be listening to the player base more with these hero chnages and the addition of a new map and hero skin is a good way to draw newer players in and give veterans something to aim for.

Will you be jumping back on Battlefront II when this latest update drops? let us know down below or over on Twitter.

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