The Mandalorian: Ahsoka Tano Is Here!

She is a character like no other in the Star Wars universe.

The padawan who survived multiple encounters with General Grievous.

The warrior who defeated former Sith Lord Darth Maul in single combat.

The survivor who escaped a Venator class star-destroyer, full of elite 501st clones, during order 66.

The hero who defeated two of the Empire’s inquisitors.

The legend who wounded a prime Darth Vader and the friend who wouldn’t abandon her master, even after he had abandoned her.

She has become a fan-favourite over more than a decade of screentime, spanning multiple shows, and now, once again, the Jedi-hero has graced our screens in her live action-debut.

Ahsoka Tano is here.

Brought to us by her very creator: Dave Filoni, his direction of The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 5: ‘The Jedi”, shows her in an almost mythical fashion. She is a wraith of light and darkness, tearing through soldiers outside the city walls of a dictator’s throne, determined to tear her reign down. Her stealthy approach, acrobatics, and mastery of the Force tear through her opponents, and when she gives threats, you don’t doubt her ability to see it through. All you wonder is how she’ll do it.

In just one episode, Ahsoka Tano has become what fans desperately wanted out of Luke Skywalker in the sequel trilogy: Bold, powerful, heroic, and a significant presence in the story. Indeed, Ahsoka even refuses to train Baby Yoda, now revealed to be called Grogu, fearing that his power will make him the next Darth Vader in time. It evokes Luke’s worries in that film, yet unlike The Last Jedi, Ahsoka is not a passive, miserable, cynical presence; indifferent to suffering.

The balance between her concerns, which feel far more justified, and what we love about her character makes the two work well. Yet again, Dave Filoni has shown the ability to translate ideas other Star Wars creatives wish they were even half-as-good at doing.

Her debut in live-action promises much: Grand Admiral Thrawn, the search for Ezra Bridger; perhaps even the Yuuzhan Vong. Yet greater than all of that, it shows that the new center of Star Wars is on the right path.

Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau have set up an incredible story going forwards, one that may very well adapt the absolute best of LEGENDS into this new era of Star Wars. Whatever happens now, it all truly starts from this episode onwards.

Because Ahsoka Tano is here and here to stay.


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