July 2025 is the launch date for James Gunn‘s DCU to really go up, up, and away, but has the man seriously considered Superman’s Rogue Gallery?
Most fans presume the key villain in Superman: Legacy is Brainiac because it hasn’t been done before (outside of Syfy’s Krypton–so underrated). Comic zealots and CBM enthuisasts alike know about Darkseid, Lex Luthor, and General Zod.
Those are three of the most prolific super villains ever. Few baddies can even step on that pernicious pinnacle. However, it’s also a letdown because those two are the default villains for any Superman movie.
HM. Lobo

One of the most simple ways for James Gunn to provide fan service and suck up to ticket buyers is casting Jason Momoa as Lobo, following his Aquaman contract. It would be an amazing boost for the DCU. One thing: He’s an anti-hero, not a villain in Superman’s Rogue Gallery.
Just investigate DC’s acclaimed graphic movel, DCeased. Lobo is a one-man wrecking crew to stop the anti-life equation. Although he’s a twisted dude, Lobo helps people making him a tweener–otherwise known as a “anti-hero.”
On with the show…
10. Mongul

If you think that’s Darkseid, you’re on to something. However, Mongul (the “Lord of Warworld) and Darkseid (the “God of Apokolips”) have never met. He is actually more like Thanos than anything. (Darkseid is a “god.” Mongul is not.)
He rules his own world, has power beyond most heroes, and can do a few other things like teleport and energy projection. Mongul is usually not considered an intimidating force because he gets smoked in the comics by a few people. If handled properly, he could pose a serious threat to Superman.
9. Metallo

Some casuals watched the Arrowverse on CW and laughed at his development of characters. Answer to them: At least they tried. Before he became the maniacal cyborg, Metallo was a criminal named John Wayne Corben. Following a horrific care crash, heis no a brain in a bot empowered by a Kryptonite heart!
Think Ultron with Superman’s strength and that heart. He’s a nightmare for Superman, but he is vulnerable because he can’t do everything Kal-El can do. But, as soon as he exposes his heart in that Terminator shell of his, Superman is catching a beatdown. That could be fun.
8. Parasite

CW’s Supergirl gave it a good try with this enigmatic figure, but there was so much left on the table. Parasite is a force of evil who can absorb the life-energy, superpowers, and even the knowledge of his foes.
Rudy Jones was living a humble life as a janitor of S.T.A.R. Labs. Then, he takes a bath in radioactive waste. He becomes a sponge to whatever anyone has inside them becoming a “Parasite.” Of course, he begins craving Kryptonian power on Earth and sets his sights on draining Superman dry.
7. Lucifer Morningstar

If you watched NBC’s Lucifer, meet his muse. Yes, that was based on a comic. However, if you think he’s just a guy, think again. Hell is this villain’s domain. Krypton has nothing on what this guy is capable of doing.
He’s an arcangel so Lucifer Morningstar is omnipotent, onmipresent, and omniscient. Also (like he needs more power), he’s biokinetic, pyrokinetic, and chronokentic. If he sees, knows, and goes whatever he wants, as well as a manipulator of fire, your organs and time. How can anyone overlook this guy from Superman’s Rogue Gallery. What a beast–literally!
6. Rogol Zaar

This creature is as scary as he looks. Furthermore, Jor-El created him. Today, Rogol Zaar is on a rampage to destroy Kal-El. He can match Big Blue power-for-power but one of characteristics is “irrational hatred.” That alone, with his death-wielding axe, makes Zaar terribly effective against Superman.
While he claims to have destroyed Krypton at the behest of Jor-El, it was Supes’ dad who created Rogol Zaar in the first place. And now, that cosmic crusader is hunting all Kryptonians. He obliterates the Fortress of Solitude and not even the Phantom Zone can contain him for punishment. This would be awesome in theaters.
5. Superboy-Prime

Before you think this is a family reunion, Superboy (or Superman) Prime is a being of ultimate destruction. He has been a member of the Legions of Doom and Supervillains, Black Lantern and the Sinestro Corps, and then, there’s the Superman family.
He can do anything Superman can do but, he does it with a lava-hot rage. Yes, with respect to Lobo, he was a positive force for good. However, in his parallel universe at Earth-Prime, he sees the malevolent spirits of our universe as enemies. He is not an anti-hero becase 90% of his dominance is as a villain. Superboy-Prime is a formidable foe and could inspire some dope looks on screen.
4. Anti-Monitor
Due respect to CW, but that representation of Anti-Monitor in Crisis on Infinite Earths did not do Superman’s Rogue Gallery any justice. This creature has comsmic powers, all used for his own avarice. He can manipulate anything, travel anywhere, and anhilliate anyone.
Anti-Monitor’s presence spans “Brightest Day,” “The New 52,” “DC Rebirth,” and “Blackest Night.” He is not an eater of worlds, he’s an eradicator of them. That’s why he has probably the highest body count of anyone in DC. He was even reanimated as a Black Lantern but was kicked out because he couldn’t be controlled–so he killed them. Now, put Superman against that. Kryptonite be damned!
3. Cyborg Superman

And then again, there were times CW just screwed the pooch. Cyborg Superman is one of the most interesting baddies in Superman’s Rogue Gallery. His backstory is complicated, but it involves the former NASA astronaut projecting his brain into the circuits of a LexCorp megacomputer.
He is also an opportunist. When Superman is dead from Doomsday, the now Kryptonian Cyborg impersonates Kal-El and destroyed anything in his path. Also, when Hal Jordan became Parallax at the battle of Coast City, Cyborg Superman would become a leader of the Green Lantern Corps and wreaked havoc throughout the galaxy. This dude is made for movies!
2. The Spectre

If James Gunn doesn’t bring The Spectre to life in Superman: Legacy, it would be a dream if he was the source of post-credit scenes to eventually spill out his wrath upon everything. The Spectre is possibly the most powerful comic book character ever, which may be why we haven’t seen him yet.
Who could created a cosmic being who is literally the embodiment of God’s vengenace on Earth?! The Spectre is buried in Superman’s Rogue Gallery for no apparent reason. Yes, his power was given to him by the Almighty. The Spectre can control the dea and twist the living into a pretzel. He can even throttle Darkseid. This needs to happen, James Gunn!
1. Bizarro

For some unknown reason, this deranged doppleganger of Superman is made to look like an inbred Solomon Grundy. He’s more Krypton of the Living Dead. The peculiar thing about Bizaaro is that he is fueled by envy, not anger.
He is an “imperfect duplicate” of Kal-El, which means he doesn’t have that kind of intellect or self-control. Bizarro is the embodiment of hatred, and it’s all aimed at the guy he wants to be–Superman. In the cosmos of Superman’s Rogue Gallery, Bizarro creates the most opportunity for storyline, continuance, and chaos.
Besides, out of all the baddies Superman contends with, only The Spectre and Bizarro were created by the minds that brought us Kal-El. The guy from the cubical world of Htrae needs to come full circle and get in the movies and DCU.

Since he saw ‘Dune’ in the $1 movie theater as a kid, this guy has been a lover of geek culture. It wasn’t until he became a professional copywriter, ghostwriter, and speechwriter that he began to write about it (a lot).
From the gravitas of the Sith, the genius of Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, or the gluttony of today’s comic fan, SPW digs intelligent debate about entertainment. He’s also addicted to listicles, storytelling, useless trivia, and the Oxford comma. And, he prefers his puns intended.