The Titans are back!
As we immerse ourselves back into the world of Titans, Dick Grayson/Nightwing (Brenton Thwaites) has taken on the mantle of full-time leader of the team alongside Kory Anders/Starfire (Anna Diop). With the team working together like a well-oiled machine, the series picks up right where we left off last season as we leave Gotham and head back to Titans tower.
We are introduced to some new faces this season along some familiar names as Titans expands its legacy and enters us into a season of darkness. The series finally gets to use magic in creative ways to truly challenge our heroes in ways we have never seen before. The team will also explore more of Metropolis this season, and for the first time we meet Lex Luthor who is played by Titus Welliver.

The fourth season shows the inner struggles of Beast Boy (Ryan Potter), Raven (Teagan Croft), and Superboy (Joshua Orpin) while creating room for the new comer of the team in Jay Lycurgo (Tim Drake) as he tries to find his lane and his destiny as the official newest member to the team. The aforementioned journey into the more magical realm coincides with the introduction of Franka Potente as Mother Mayhem, a character who unleashes a world of possibilities.

A great benefit of the first few episodes is the sheer unpredictability of the narrative, as the trailers have given nothing away. If you think you can guess what’s coming, you will be proven wrong each time. This show does a magnificent job of keeping the fans on their toes and blending great story with amazing action and visuals. Diehard fans will especially love the name drops that are used; some are huge, some are small, and some are just fun. While there are some minor issues this season, it has yet to disappoint in any major way like in some previous outings. “WE SHOULD NOT HAVE COME TO METROPOLIS” – wiser words have never been said as Raven alerts the team of a doom and evil like nothing they have ever seen before.

The tone this outing is dark but with a lot more humor and heart. This season provides a balance that a lot of fans have been asking for. This creates a smooth flow to the series, where it’s never boring and always brings in the most promising aspects of the story. The pacing of Titans is also impressive, for a show trying to have moments with every character equally while introducing more characters. Raven, Beast Boy, and Super Boy seem to be very important pieces to the puzzle this season, all for different reason, and are clearly the focus so far. All the while, it carefully attempts to flesh out the new characters in May Bennett, Jinx, and Sebastian Blood through great story development while maintaining a pace that never feels like filler.
This season does a great job of making everyone feel as important as everyone else, such as Dick Grayson and Kory developing as co-captains of this team and growing into the light together while making sure to further propel other members of the team, allowing the audience which does this season so much good because we get the chance to see the kids grow fully into their own and explore new possibilities narratively.
The fourth season of Titans is more than worth a watch so please make sure you tune in weekly on HBO Max starting November 3rd.
Titans season 4 shows the team come together in a time they are most needed
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