Top 10 WORST MOVIES of 2018

As 2018 comes to an end, we all come together and rank the top 10 worst/best movies of the year and here I present the 10 worst movies of the year (Now, I have not seen every movie this year, so this is of the movies I have seen).

10. Truth or Dare- 
I had absolutely no expectations walking into this movie. This movie is your typical PG-13 movie only made for the teenage audience. Bad script, poor acting and a completely predictable script.

9. The Spy Who Dumped Me- 
Fairly long movie where you feel the run time. Poorly written characters and script, with a really boring/stupid plot twist.


8. Cloverfield Paradox-  
This movie had nothing to do with the other movies. Apparently this was supposed to be a completely different movie until studios collided and wanted to put the cloverfield title in there to make people watch it more. The movie was a huge let down with boring characters, okay CGI and a story line that made no sense.


7. The Predator- 
Honestly, I was excited for this movie. I have enjoyed every other predator movies and knowing that the director as been involved with the franchise it gave me hope. But, I was superly let down. This movie had bad writing, bad CGI and a non-compelling alien.


6. Skyscraper-

This movie was just bad poor writing, poor CGI, Poor character development and this whole movie shouldn’t have been made.


5. Crimes of Grindlewald- 
personally I did not like the first movie. It is trying to be something interesting when it is not. There was no development for any characters from the previous movie and just added new characters to the mix which made the plot very convoluted.

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4. Robin Hood- 
I saw this movie because there was nothing else to see. This movie had a very dumb and boring love triangle. Jamie Dornan (Fifty Shades Of Grey) just does not seem to give any effort towards his acting roles in film, along with Jamie Foxx and Taron Egerton.


3. Solo: A Star Wars Story- 
This movie is one of the top 3 worst star wars films to date! This movie is the perfect example of what a studio interfering looks like. There is nothing good other than Donald Glover and the visuals.


2. Mile 22- 
I was excited to see this being Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead) first movie role in a sense and it was an absolute face palm. Boring action, over the top acting by mark whalberg and all interesting characters in this movie die to early for you to even give a damn about them and a really stupid plot twist that did not need to be in the movie.


1. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom- 
I loved the first jurassic world movie with Chris Pratt. But, this movie was awful. Some unfathomable character choices, annoying characters and the fact that t was almost exactly like the lost world just… crappier is kind of impressive. I will give the director credit with his style I really did appreciate the environment and the cinematography. this movie only had a start and a finish with no middle to fill the story.

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