Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart! Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has announced that they will be bringing Captain Planet: The Complete Franchise to DVD on October 15, 2024. The beloved educational superhero series created by Ted Turner and Barbara Pyle that began with the Captain Planet and the Planeteers animated series in 1990 leading into The New Adventures of Captain Planet animated series has now come together for the first time ever on DVD with all 113 episodes from the iconic franchise. The series features an all-star voiceover cast including Martin Sheen, Meg Ryan, Whoopi Goldberg and LeVar Burton. Get more details below!
Synopsis: The Planeteers, five teenagers from different parts of the earth, each receive a ring of elemental power–earth, wind, water, fire or heart–to combat eco-villains everywhere in the world. And when they combine the powers of their rings, a new superhero, Captain Planet, is created, with powers far greater than the sum of the five.
Dillon is most comfortable sitting around in a theatre all day watching both big budget and independent movies.