Why Asher Angel Believes Zachary Levi Is The Perfect Shazam!

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My very first article for GVNation was an opinion piece on how I was converted to the idea of Zachary Levi for Shazam! One of the main points was how Levi so easily handled the child-like wonder of suddenly having superpowers. Apparently His young co-star Asher Angel thinks the same thing. In an interview with Variety, Angel explained why Zachary was perfect in the role.

“Zach, you’re the perfect Shazam because, I mean, we look alike, kind of, but he’s funny, we have a lot in common,” Angel told Variety. “I mean, he’s really a kid too. So he’s a kid and an adult. Zach, I love you buddy. I can’t wait for what’s to come and you’re the best so, SHAZAM!”








[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”4433″ img_size=”268×200″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]With the Shazam! Trailer now available for public consumption, we have seen the direction they are apparently going with this story and it gives DC fans hope things are looking up in the DC Film world.

Does Zachary Levi’s small sample on the trailer give you hope for a fun and entertaining experience? Let us hear the magic word…Shaz…you know what it is.


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