[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2765″ img_size=”615×945″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]WARNING! Article contains MAJOR SPOILERS! If you haven’t read Extermination and plan to: STOP HERE! ?
Marvel Comic’s new X-Men event Extermination# 1 kicks off today and in the space of one issue, it already claimed its first major casualty.
Extermination was created to serve as the final chapter of the saga of the time-displaced original X-Men that was introduced a number of years ago in the pages of All-New X-Men. It is apparent the original five’s appearance in the present day will apparently have drastic repercussions on the X-Men’s future.
This is the plot of issue #1 – Last Chance to Stop ?
Extermination #1 leads off with a mysterious hooded figure surveying the damage. They are observing the Xavier School 20 years into the future and find it littered with the corpses of the X-Men. The hooded figure curses someone for getting old and not doing what needed to be done when they had the chance.
Meanwhile, in the present day, the original five X-Men find themselves under attack. At first, Ahab and his hounds arrive from the future (just an open door around here for visitors from the future) to try to capture the younger Cyclops. Cyclops is able to escape, but it comes with a price, as friend and team ally Bloodstorm ends up on the receiving end of Ahab’s silver-tipped spear.
Cyclops calls a code blue alert to assemble his team. Iceman, who happens to be at the theater at the time, leaves but comes under fire from that same mysterious hooded figure that opened the story. Iceman immediately takes cover and finds that Cable is nearby to lend him a hand.
The mysterious hooded figure has Iceman and Cable in a perilous situation. He has them pinned down from the high ground and is well supplied with some hi-grade tech. After shielding themselves from the continuous fire, Iceman soon finds himself stunned. Cable tries to assist Iceman but the hooded figure charges in.
In a close combat battle, Cable seems to have the upper hand but the hooded figure manages to pull out a gun and shoot Cable. Now with the advantage, the hooded figure stands over Cable and delivers the final blow.
Cable’s is dead. This is later confirmed when the X-Men come to collect his body and mourn. Iceman is MIA as he has been taken by the hooded figure.
The twist comes in the issue’s final page as Cable’s killer is revealed to be none other than…Cable. This younger version of himself seems more than willing to deal with extreme prejudice on these young original X-Men and “do what should have been done.”
How do you feel about Cable being the first exterminated even if it was a self-inflicted (kind of) demise? Give us your thoughts at GVNation. If you DIDN’T read this article, you are WAY better than I am. Congratulations…of course, if you didn’t read it, you wouldn’t know about the Congratulations. Darned if you do, Darned if you don’t.

Senior Writer at GeekVibesNation – I am a 60 something child of the 70’s who admits to being a Star Trek/Star Wars/Comic Book junkie who once dove headfirst over a cliff (Ok, it was a small hill) to try to rescue his Fantastic Four comic from a watery grave. I am married to a lovely woman who is as crazy as I am and the proud parent of a 21-year-old young man with autism. My wife and son are my real heroes.