Zack Snyder Says Jeffrey Dean Morgan Playing Flashpoint Batman ‘Could Have Been Cool’ and Why He Cast Him as Thomas Wayne

Jeffrey Dean Morgan has played a lot of amazing roles in his career. Of all the memorable characters he’s played, he stood out as Thomas Wayne in Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman. Not necessarily for the small screen time he had, but for what could have been. In the animated movie Flashpoint, Thomas Wayne dons the cowl and becomes a darker version of Batman. Can you imagine Morgan in this role? We can. And Snyder thinks so as well:

“I don’t think it was [the intention for Morgan to become Flashpoint Batman], although I will say that I love Jeffrey Dean. I cast him because I liked the idea that Thomas Wayne was like a bit of a tough guy, not a pushover.”

Snyder continued:

“I like also the duality that that’s the reason why they got shot, you know, was that he didn’t give his wallet right away. He tried to fight back a little bit, which I think is a thing that has haunted Bruce in some ways.  I did that shot where Jeffrey Dean makes the fist and it looks like he’s gonna try and punch [the mugger], and that’s right in front of the kid, and I thought that was like a pivotal sort of moment for Bruce. How do you confront violence that’s completely life-altering and unfeeling and merciless? You have to sort of become that yourself a little bit.”

Andy Muschietti is directing the upcoming The Flash film, where Michael Keaton will play an older Batman from the multiverse. Keaton is reprising his role, as he played the iconic character in 1989’s Batman and 1992’s Batman Returns. At the time, Morgan expressed that he would have loved to play Flashpoint’s version of Batman, but that he thinks that window of opportunity is closed:

“Michael Keaton swooped in and took my gig. Nah, I think that’s super cool. Ever since Zack Snyder walked away, my whole kind of bit in that world has walked away with him. However, there’s always a chat going on. So, we’ll see!”

Would you have liked to see Morgan play Flashpoint’s Batman?

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Source: FilmJunkee

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