‘Batwoman’ Reportedly Introducing Three New Characters in Season 3 – Including Renee Montoya

With a third season on the way, Batwoman appears set to introduce a few new characters. According to a report from The Illuminerdi, Renee Montoya will appear in the next season of the CW drama. Joining her are two new characters, Jada Jet and her son, Marquis. Alongside this news, the Illuminerdi also revealed descriptions for each of the new characters.

Renee Montoya is described as

“a former GCPD officer who left the department due to GCPD’s treatment of Gotham’s marginalized citizens. Montoya has been relegated to a paper-pusher, now in charge of the “freaks division” in the Mayor’s office. Virtuous and practical Renee is on a personal, and enigmatic, mission to clean up Gotham’s streets the right way by any means necessary.”

According to the Illuminerdi, producers are looking for a mid-30s Latinx or Afro-Latinx actress for the role, with LGBTQ+ performers encouraged to submit.

Renee Montoya in “Batman: The Animated Series”

Jada Jet is described as

“a Black woman in her late forties to early fifties. Jada Jet is the CEO of Jet Industries, an impassioned, industrious, and powerful woman who has worked her way to the top. Jada is exceptionally protective of her reckless and at times menacing son, Marquis. Jada has a deep past that forced to give up her first child and while she has a good heart, she will do anything to protect her family.”

Marquis Jet is described as

“Jada’s son, a Black man in his early 20s. Described as “a sexy playboy” Marquis has grown up in a luxurious lifestyle, too charming for his own good Marquis brandishes his power with the attitude of a scoundrel. As a child Marquis had a run-in with one of Batman’s more dangerous villains and his personality was forever changed, causing him to find delight in the suffering and terror of others, which can only be kept in check by his mother. Marquis hides his malice behind humor, but he is someone that shouldn’t be crossed. Reckless, volatile, and with a proclivity for lashing out when triggered.”

Further casting details remain unknown at this time. Batwoman returns in October on the CW.

See also
Warner Bros. To Release The Complete Run Of 'Shameless' On DVD This March

Are you excited about these new characters?

Source: The Illuminerdi

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