Doom Patrol Season Two Episode 4 Review: Starts Off Slow But Ends on a High Note

It’s time for the ‘Sex Patrol’! Doom Patrol season two episode four continues to tradition of not only being odd, but pushing the envelope and celebrating people’s differences. Any episode that centers around Danny the Street is a great one. Not only is Danny a great character, but the Dannyzens are truly an amazing cast. Basically, any time they’re around it’s a big party. And everyone in the Doom Patrol is in desperate need of a party.

Slight Spoilers

Flex Mentallo returns and I couldn’t be happier. As one of my favorite characters in season one, I was very glad to see him again. Flex definitely is responsible for the literal and figurative climax of this episode. He also helped act as a catalyst for Rita and a storyline I’m sure we’ll explore further in the season.

What else did we get in this episode? Larry still dealing with trying to get close to people. Cliff loosening up. Jane and the underground. And Cyborg trying to make sense of what he found out about the woman he was intimate with the episode prior. I enjoyed, in this episode; seeing a brief interaction between Larry and Cliff talking about their kids. It isn’t often we see the two discussing being fathers with each other and I think something Larry pointed out was very poignant and Cliff needed to hear it instead of painting himself as the victim when it comes to his daughter.

I also liked seeing Diane Guerrero portray some of the different personalities, as that is always enjoyable. The episode also explored what is at the core of the Underground – to protect children.

Rating: 3.5/5

Episode four started off a little slow and lobby to me. It felt, in a way; like it was struggling to find its footing. From the promo, I was very happy to see that we’d see the Dannyzens again, but the actual moment wasn’t as fulfilling as I wanted it to be. And I think the show wanted the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory moment to stick better, but for me, it was a bit of an awkward attempt to garner up some nostalgia. Thankfully, the episode picked back up int he second half and became the Doom Patrol I love.

Doom Patrol season four certainly opened up a lot of doors. It had the same strangeness that Doom Patrol excels in with the Sex Men and it’s great to see that the show isn’t stopping at being as weird as possible. At the same time, everything is building up to something truly devastating happening because of Dorothy. I’m so interested in seeing where everything leads to and I’ll just have to wait until next week to find out more.

What do you think of Doom Patrol season two episode four?

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