In the far away land of Primatera, everything was magical. Some were just better at it than others. Such was the case of Randlegast Quatermuth Jones. He was the oldest child of a family that made their living in magic, making Potions. His younger twin siblings Asteria and Astreus had that same gift. Ran (as his family called him) did not.
It probably didn’t help that he had no desire to follow in his parents magical footsteps. He wanted to do something different. Something he could call his own. However, until that purpose came to him, he was on Market duty with the twins. It is the bane of older siblings everywhere. Playing guardian over their wayward charges.
Needing a Lucky Charm
Before they left for Blossing’s Grand Market, Ran’s father talked to him about his future or his LACK of one. As far as Ran’s Dad was concerned, Ran’s problem all stemmed from a lack of confidence. What he needed, was a good luck charm. His Dad had one and it never seemed to steer him wrong. Ran needed to find one that would work the same kind of magic for him.
Ran did! But unfortunately, he chose a charm called the Fordstone. One that had great powers. Which was great, until it was stolen from him. Even worse, the stone had a spell upon it that effected Ran’s parents…unless he could retrieve it. Ran, Asteria and Astreus were charged with following the Fordstone and returning it. This required a magical journey to the place called Seattle.
A good first issue has the ability to draw the readers in a limited amount of time. That requires a skilfull framing of the story and characters that draw you in. Writer Erik Burnham pulls that off with aplomb. Starting from the telling of a bedtime fairy tale (or so it seemed) that set the stage for a magical setting and a family that is unique while familiar.
Who doesn’t know of a child who is reluctant to follow in the family’s business plans for them? Or parents who want nothing but the best for their children, even if might require them doing things they know they don’t want too do. Not to mention the rival who has no problem of using whatever is in their arsenal to come out ahead. Even if it requires some theft to accomplish it. Wrap it in a magical blanket, or potion and you have something going.
With such a magical tale, a whimsical “magical” art style is needed and Stelladia has used her ample talents to bring that to this series. Bringing life to the Jones family and their sibling rivalry, their nemesis Poncelina Arkay, and the flying Vultarises. And of course, the magical world of Seattle. A solid beginning to what promises to be an entertaining tale of becoming what you were meant to be. Be sure to check it out.
Mad Cave Studios Potions Inc.#1 by Erik Burnham and Stelladia is available now where ever great comics are sold.
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Senior Writer at GeekVibesNation – I am a 60 something child of the 70’s who admits to being a Star Trek/Star Wars/Comic Book junkie who once dove headfirst over a cliff (Ok, it was a small hill) to try to rescue his Fantastic Four comic from a watery grave. I am married to a lovely woman who is as crazy as I am and the proud parent of a 21-year-old young man with autism. My wife and son are my real heroes.