GVN’s Talking Comics Review: [Spoilers] Mad Cave Studios ‘Nottingham’ Issue 3 by David Hazan and Shane Connery Volk

As Issue Two Ended

As Issue Two of Mad Cave’s Nottingham ended, the Sheriff of Nottingham had been betrayed by Will Scarlet and was in hot pursuit. He did this even though it broke his heart to chase after his friend. Like most situations, it was more complicated than it might have appeared from the outside looking in. But the trail has lead to the Monastery.

As Ev leads his men, they are stopped by the clergy. They are told that the man they seek has claimed the Sanctuary of the Church. As such, they could proceed no further or else risk God’s condemnation. And while Ev was not as concerned by that declaration as they might have expected, he told his men to hold anyway. He called out to Will to willingly come to him so that they may resolve the situation before it became too late. Once again a Friar warned Ev of the consequences of his current path. But this Friar, Ev recognized. Even if he didn’t recognize him.

Meeting Friar Tuck

It was in Edwinstone in 1187. Ev got involved in a fight with two men at an outside tavern who had insulted a maid. Ev came out on top but one of the men was of noble birth and was hurt badly. As such, the authorities were looking for Ev as was the entire town. He sought Sanctuary from the Church, just as Will has now. However, the Friar explained to him that an angry mob might not recognize the protection of the Church. But there was another option for him.

At the docks was a ship called the Queen Mary. It was taking fighters to join King Henry on a Crusade to the Holy Lands. Ev was obviously a great fighter. He would be welcome there. Just tell them the Friar sent him and he would be accepted. So it was that Friar Tuck sent Ev to join the Crusades and to toil in “blood and misery.” Was this what he had in mind for Will?

Friar Tuck explained that quid pro quo’s were a “common wager for religions.” Regardless, Ev warned him that if he ordered his men up the hill toward the church, he doubted that God would intervene. So the Sheriff gave the order, much to the chagrin of the Friar. But when the Sheriff drew his sword against the Friar, he questioned how he dared to do such a thing. His answer was plain. Because the Friar chose aiding and abetting the Merry Men and a known traitor, of course he dared. He was the Sheriff of Nottingham.

The Merry Men Debate

The Friar retorted that by giving to the poor, the Merry Men were doing the “lord’s work.” Ev countered that they were taking much more than they were giving. If that number was more even, the poor wouldn’t BE so poor. Plus, every time the Merry Men took from the Nottingham’s Tax Collectors, the taxes went up. By doing so, they steal FROM the poor. And of course there’s the most important question, where DOES the money go that they take? The Sheriff had no idea and he doubted the Church cared too much, as long as the money didn’t come from them. But as the fight continued, a disturbance could be heard from the monastery itself. Could it be the Merry Men, looking to complete any unfinished business? If so, the Friar would need the Sheriffs help. So they agreed to investigate together.

Will Scarlet’s Fate

But when they entered the Monastery, they entered the room to find Will Scarlet hanging. He had left the note for Ev along with a brooch. Ev read his letter and asked the Friar to keep what happened there between them. If for no other reason than to protect Will’s family. He agrees.

But meanwhile, in Sherwood Forest, a lone rider travels through. The rider is stopped and asked why they are risking entering the domain of the Merry Men. The rider pulls her cloak back to reveal the flaming red hair of Marian. She demands from Little John to talk to the Hood. She had news. News of Will Scarlet’s apparent suicide which the Hood already knew. But there was more. She had learned of  tournament that was upcoming with a substantial amount of gold and silver to be paid out. With her knowledge of the current guard rotations, it might prove an easy task for them to take without the Sheriff realizing it.

Other Plans

As she road off, no doubt already counting the money she anticipates from her information, Robin and Little John discuss her plan. It seemed too easy. However, it might present other opportunities. A chance to make a real impact on the Nottingham nobility. And as for Marian’s plan? What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.


This issue is framed in a unique way. Basically the action structures around the letter Will Scarlet left for Ev. It is a powerful reminder that sometimes a persons actions can be based on their personal circumstances and not necessarily your own personal beliefs. And while the note was not initially revealed as a Suicide Note, it’s contents made it fairly transparent that’s what it would turn out to be. Hazan did a beautiful job of using this device while giving a glimpse of the Sheriff’s past and his relationship with Will. This was reflected by Ev’s decision to conceal the letter, to protect his family. So very well done.


Speaking of well done…artist Shane Connery Volk has imprinted this series so far with a unique, and distinct look for the characters and the book. Already, after three issues it would be hard to imagine anyone else handling this story  any better. Gritty, dirty fight scenes and a somber atmosphere that captures the time and place with perfection. Volk continues to push his craft upward. I look forward to what else he has up his sleeve.


The poor lonely letterer is rarely mentioned in reviews and I am as guilty as any, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the lovely script used for Will’s letter to Ev. My wife, who has exquisite penmanship and has done her share of calligraphy pointed out how well done that letter was. So Kudos to Letterer Joamette Gil. One might not expect that delicate a hand from a warrior but it makes perfect sense from a former minstrel. Just proof that the folks at Mad Cave and their creators pay attention to the details.

Mad Cave Studios Nottingham #3 is available where all great comics are sold. But because of its quality and popularity, don’t be surprised if a reprint is involved. Such is the case with the world of Nottingham.

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