If you’re going to “Crastinate,” be a Pro..

Do you remember the scene from the “Polar Express” where young Billy hesitates to get on the train and almost misses it? Fortunately for him, the “boy” (how come this kid doesn’t have a name?) pulls the emergency brake so he can get on. That my friends is an example of “procrastination.” I know all about procrastination. I started out as an amateur “crastinator” but thru the years I have become the “Pro” you WOULD see before you, if you were looking at me and not just reading this. Procrastination is why I have been a late comer to many a good TV series. “Game of Thrones” for example. I didn’t start watching GOT until they were well into their fourth season. Why so late you might ask? I’m going to answer that even if you DIDN’T ask, let’s not procrastinate here. I got onboard the GOT train upon seeing on “You Tube” a collection of people’s reaction to the “Red Wedding.” Now understand these clips didn’t show what was actually happening, just their responses. I wondered what kind of show would illicit such strong reactions from people.

Fortunately, “HBO Now,” allowed for me to catch up with the popular show with a bit of binge watching. Ok, a LOT of binge watching. I kept thinking, “I’m going to watch one more episode and that it! OK, Maybe one more!” One of the things GOT had going for it was it was what my wife and I refer to as “Oh, Excrement! Moments.” Throughout the show, events would transpire to elicit that response. Starting with Episode One where Jamie turned young Bran into a cliff diver (actually a “Castle Diver), the aforementioned “Red Wedding,” and who would forget Oberyn Martell’s new dental work and splitting headache courtesy of “the Mountain.” I have been hooked since and anticipate the final season with both excitement and melancholy. Hopefully the planned prequel will fill the void.

It worked the same way with “Agents of Shield.” I didn’t join the party until again, season four. I wasn’t doing that on purpose, I swear. In truth, I had watched the season premier when it first aired. It was good but it didn’t “WOW” me…and no “Oh, Excrement! Moments.” (From this moment on I will refer to these as “O.E.M.”) I didn’t start watching again until it was made clear (again on social media) how much insight into the MCU could be gained by what was going on in “Agents of Shield.” Who knew? Actually, I would have had I just stuck with it. This time, “Netflix” came to the rescue and the binge watching began in earnest.

Upon closer examination, I found their were indeed many of the “O.E.M” here as well. The turn of “Grant Ward”, the dropping of “FitzSimmons” out of the plane and into the ocean, and “Mack” performing an unlicensed amputation for “Coulson.” (there’s a lawsuit in there, somewhere). I hooked my wife into GOT and into AOS with these kind of events. “You’ll love it, Dear. There are all kinds of “O.E.M.” moments”…and she did! I’m not sure WHAT is going to fill the void when this one ends.

So what have we learned here, kids? Just because you didn’t jump on the train when it started doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the journey. And oh, yeah…if you’re going to be a “crastinator,” be a “Pro!”

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