Marvel Fan Still Holds A Grudge Against Two of Marvel’s Heroes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ el_width=”90″ align=”center”][vc_column_text]If there is anything true about my fellow geeks, we try to look at things from all sides, and boy can some of us hold a grudge. It was April 27th when Avengers: Infinity War was released to an eager public. After fans saw what happened at the end and watched some of their favorites fade into the “ether” as  Benedict Cumberbatch stated recently, it was time for blame to be assigned. There were many candidates, starting of course with Thanos himself, but there were two individuals who received a lions share of the blame. One for trying to beat up on Thanos when he shouldn’t have, and the other for getting the upper hand but not hitting the right body part. Picky, Picky!!

Fast forward to now and apparently some fans are STILL miffed about the results of Infinity War. In fact, here is a video a fan posted showing what he believes is the aftermath and who is to blame. Yep…same two guys.

Now, the question might be for those left on Earth how they even KNOW what happened on Titan between Star-Lord and Thanos? As for Thor…one little mistake. No one else at the time came even close to defeating him so you would think he would be forgiven for a slight targeting issue.

So what do you think GVNation? Is it still time to assign blame or should we prepare to move on? Share your beliefs with us at GVNation.


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