‘Marvel’s Agents of Shield‘ Season 7, ‘Brand New Day’ Review

We are down to the last two weeks of the final season of Agents of Shield, and so far it has been a good one. But now we have business to tend to. Nathaniel and John Garrett have taken both Jemma and the Zephyr. Their goal? To rid themselves of the one person who has been thwarting them in every scenario that  Sybil has ran…Fitz. However, Deke is also aboard the ship and they may not be aware of it. So that leaves Deke and the rest of the team to attempt rescue Jemma and save the day, starting with”A Brand New Day.”

The Zephyr Disappears

The team is monitoring the Zephyr’s location on the monitors. But at some point, it disappears. Daisy, who has been watching the monitor intensely, questions where it went. Sousa queries whether it jumped. May reminds that the jump drive is not functioning. Daisy too reemphasizes that point. It didn’t jump.

May surmises that it went above the tracking satellites, into space. At that moment, YoYo requests permission to land the QuinJet on their return from Afterlife. May, Daisy and Sousa go down to greet them. Daisy walks with a determined step. May reminds her that Kora is volatile. As Mack, YoYo, and Coulson enters, Daisy Quake-Slams Kora to the wall and grasp her by the throat. She demands Kora tell them where Malick is taking Jemma. Mack orders Daisy to let her go. She hesitates, but then relinquishes her grip. Kora tells them the same thing she told Coulson at Afterlife. She wants to be an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nakatomi Plaza

Meanwhile, the Zephyr has entered space. Deke is trying to sneak about, retconning the situation. He describes it like playing his companies computer game Nakatomi Plaza. But before he can get any further, John Garrett materializes and captures Deke. “Yippee KiYay.”

Back at the Lighthouse, while May and Coulson try to decipher what Kora is up to, YoYo and Mack are taking the other prisoners to a holding cell. Because they know that Garrett is on the loose, Yo Yo intends to keep watch over the prisoners. While she is sitting there, Mack Asks her to look into Fitz’s Hard Drive to see if there information on the device he designed to hold their timelines Gordon into a single cell. 

Kora: Agent of Shield?

Kora is explaining that Nathaniel and her just want to save lives. Lives like hers, and Daniel Sousa. (Although, Let’s be Honest…the Chronicoms didn’t have anything to do with saving Sousa, Coulson and the team did that). Regardless, Mack comes in and tells her that lives were also lost. She apologizes for Mack’s parents. However, she believes it did prove a point. The original timeline is gone.   But she thinks Shield along with her help can save lives…by killing. She says that by killing just 30 people, many lives would be saved. Coulson describes that concept just like Project Insight with a different bow. As for Mack, he tells her that she doesn’t understand their motto. Kora counters that it’s not really a motto but a method. Daisy then asks to speak to her sister alone, just as Cybil had predicted.

Sister Connection

Kora and Daisy discuss their lives and how much Kora had always wanted a sibling. Kora believes that together, they would be unstoppable. Daisy wonders if she wants to be a superhero sister team? All Kora knows is that Sybil believes that there was no way that Daisy would ever let her sister fight alone. Daisy ponders this for a moment and agrees. She throws Kora the keys to the restraints she was wearing but still closes her cells door as she leaves.

Nathaniel attempts to find Fitz

On the Zephyr, Nate tries to extract Fitz’s location from Jemma but cannot. He is using the same technology that he used for giving Garrett a glimpse of his future. He sees them in the pod under the water (after Ward had dropped them into the ocean). But that is not what he wants to see. The Implant is blocking him. He hits Jemma but she remains silent. Seeing she is tougher than she looks, he sends for Deke who also has been beaten. Deke is forced to his knees in front of her, looking bloodied. He asks Jemma how HER day has been.

After talking to Kora, Daisy has a plan to rescue Jemma. Her plan is go it alone to steal a Quinjet. Sousa intervenes and after commenting on her new look (for him) and wants to go along. While she appreciates his willingness to help her, in this case, she asks him not to. However, he insists, saying that when you see someone doing something stupid they generally need backup in doing it. She asks him if he had ever done anything like this before, he says no.  So she takes Sousa along to save Jemma.

Flying? How hard can it be?

The problem is, Daisy and Sousa are attempting to take the QuinJet without knowing how to fly it or to open the bay doors. Sousa had assumed that Daisy had flown the QuinJet before. While this is a matter of concern, it doesn’t change his mind about going along. Mack catches them and asks how they intend to leave without Director authorization. He opens the bay, agreeing that thinking outside the box is needed. So he joins Daisy on her rescue mission. He tells her to get out of the pilots seat before he changes his mind.

Coulson And May watch from the control room as Mack and Daisy leave. May is skeptical about their decision but Coulson understands. They need to stop doing things that are predictable. So far, Sybil has seemingly been one step ahead. Besides, he likes the idea of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. going rogue. However, for now, he thinks it is time to talk to Kora. Or to be more specific, he wants May to talk to Kora. He wants her to use her abilities to find out what she is really wanting there.

Malick is still trying to find out how Jemma is blocking his attempts to find Fitz. He continues to have Deke beaten to try to convince Jemma to talk. Malick soon realizes that Deke also is tougher than he looks. (He comes from good stock after all) so he changes direction and threatens to Quake Jemma’s head until she has a cerebral hemorrhage to convince Deke to talk. As he does this, he notices her lighted implant. Deke tries to protest but Malik quakes hits against the wall, telling Deke that was for his “Old Man.” He then asks his men to find a way to remove it from her neck.

A Daisy and Mack Conversation

Up in space, The QuinJet is trying to follow the Zephyr. As they leave the Earths atmosphere, Sousa marvels at the scene saying his generation had always wanted to see this. Mack tells him to strap in because they were going to use their ships thrusters to move closer to the Zephyr. Once they move into position, Mack and Daisy wait in Space. Daisy mentions that Enoch said that this would be their last time together. This leads to a great conversation about their current situation and more metaphorically, about the cast and the series upon separation. Daisy worries that things will change and he agrees that it will. And that it is ok. This leads to a conversation about Sousa. Daisy admits to kissing him during their time in the time storm. Mack laughs because he won a  $20.00 bet with YoYo.

Kora Opens the FireWall

Back at the Lighthouse, May goes to talk to Kora. They talk about May’s Calvary mission in Bahrain. Kora tells her that what she did was wrong. The little girl needed help, not killed. May said it was necessary, and she had made her piece with that. The girl was out of control, like Kora. May asks Kora to show control. She hits the wall and kills Lighthouse power. This serves to drop their computer firewall and lets Sybil into their computer system. She greets Coulson. As she “talks” to Coulson,
May is reading Sybil’s messages. When Coulson asks her to stop, May asks him if he can read her code that flashes when she is not messaging him. He stares at it and ponders…he doesn’t think he can?

Nathaniel’s men had located the implant distraction device, but they couldn’t make it work. Jemma assured them that they never would. He angrily throws the device through the glass wall. He proclaims he is not used to not getting what he wants. (A very telling psychological insight of the man…he can probably thank his Dad for that.) That meant that Malick would just go into the mind machine with her and find out himself. He tells his men to kill Deke if he even attempts to move.

Coulson vs. Sybil

Coulson is trying to block Sybil or at least slow her down. He asks May to talk to Kora again. His hope is for May to find the good in her. She thought Coulson would have a better chance to get her to talk. He tells her that he is kind of busy at the moment. Speaking of that, Sybil unlocks their cell doors and it allows YoYo’s charges to escape and approach her from behind. Unfortunately for them, she easily catches them including Mr. Knife guy. She brings them to the command center just as Kora gets out. Coulson uses them as an example to Kora of the kind of men Nathaniel is saving. They owe their lives to him and so does she. She contemplates for a moment and kills Knifeguy. They are now one step closer to repairing the timeline. Does it make them feel better?

Kora brings up the 30 person hit list again. YoYo, for one, asks who is on this list. Given that opening, she recommends killing Grant Ward. Coulson reminds her that he is just a child at this time. She snidely remarks that some people have no problem killing children. (Ouch!) Coulson tries to talk her into changing her ways. He reminds her that John Garrett was responsible for the path Ward chose. She says that it didn’t matter if Garrett was removed from Wards life. He would be as bad or worse. Coulson said that they have seen that with the right mentor, Ward could be good. As for Kora, she just wants to show her mother what she is. May tells her she can show her right now. She is at the base.

Malick watches FitzSimmons together

Malick goes into the mind machine with Jemma. He sees a little bit of what happened when Enoch had told them they would change their lives. But something is wrong. While they have all the time they need, an apparent blood test reveals something is wrong with Fitz. What we do not know. Fitz wanted them to live their lives while they could. He then wanted her to forget all that happened. She didn’t want that. It upset her greatly. While very dramatic, none of this gave Malick the information he wanted. Frustrated, he decided it didn’t matter. Jemma and Deke would have front row seats to “the greatest show on Earth.” After he leaves, Jemma goes to Deke and asks him if he is ok. Deke says he is and asks Jemma if she is OK. Malick had apparently didn’t find out where Fitz was. Jemma asked who was Fitz. What the What??

Mack knows Best

As Daisy sleeps, Mack asks Sousa what his intentions are with Daisy. Initially, he tells Mack that he HAS no intentions. Mack laughs and tells him he better get some quick. He tells Sousa that Daisy likes him. She may not realize it yet, but when she does, watch out! But she has been hurt. He won’t have Daisy get hurt again…and neither will the rest of the team. Sousa says he would never hurt her. Mack believes that and wonders about Sousa and Quake. Sousa asks about the Quake name. He tells him that’s it her “superhero” name. They laugh about how funny “Quake“ sounds.

Learning Jiaying’s Fate

May leads Kora to see her Mother. But it is not the reunion she was hoping for. At first, she thinks it will be ok. Her mother can heal. Kora tries to revive Jiaying but cannot. She then decides that Malick must have had a good reason to kill her. May tells her that Jiaying died protecting Daisy and that Malick is using her. She wonders if May is not doing the same thing. Kora angrily attacks May until May decides to fight back. Kora loses control and blasts a hole in the wall which May barely avoided. Suddenly, Garrett shows up and takes Kora.

Meanwhile, Mack and the team is preparing to dock with the Zephyr. Sousa is teasing Daisy about the Quake name. Mack smiles about that. The QuinJet approaches the Zephyr as the Chronicoms appear.
Coulson is still trying to stay ahead of Sybil. Watching him work, YoYo asks him if he is now a computer expert. He says…yes. He wants to see the last thing that Sybil had accessed which as it happens was all the Shield bases.

The End of Shield?

After the Chronicoms appeared, Malick says that Sybil had contacted them and they came upon their signal. Malick tells them to fire at will. Their targets? The shield bases. As Coulson watches the board, each Shield bases is hit, including the Triskellion. The Chronicoms have done what they had wanted to, the end of Shield. Garrett returned Kora to Malick. He thanks her saying that he could not have done this without her. She asks if they had saved more lives. He told her that they have…by killing many more. He then kisses her as the episode ends.


This episode had plenty of moments both dramatic and heartfelt. My favorites were the scenes between Mack and Daisy and Mack and Sousa. The double meaning of their conversation was not subtle but it touched the right heartstrings. Somehow, I see this cast as being one who will maintain their friendship long after the show is done. Kind of like the way the Star Trek Next Generation cast have stuck together all these years. Although hopefully we will see perhaps Chloe Bennett’s Quake in a future Marvel feature. We can only hope.

So we are down the two hour series final. It’s been seven years in the making and certainly will be a mix of excitement and melancholy over the series end.  But those Chronicoms must be stopped, Fitz and Jemma need to be put back together and what will happen with Coulson? We will find out all these answers on Wednesday at 9:00pm. I’m ready as I am off from work so no nap necessary this time. Not that I could probably sleep before this one. Are you ready for the series final of Agents of Shield? I know I am. Share your thoughts on what’s sure to be must see TV here at Geek Vibes Nation.

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