Sid O’Connell Shares His Excitement About His Role In ‘Gotham’

As the production of Season 5 of Fox’s Gotham rolls on, more and more is being revealed about what will be seen during its final season. This includes some set pictures of what can only be “Mutant Leader” from Frank Miller’s “The Dark Knight Returns.” Unless there are other very large guys roaming about with spiked Mohawks and a visor that would make Cyclops jealous.

For more proof, actor Sid O’Connell posted on his Instagram account verifying his participation and showing himself in the makeup chair prepping for the role he plays.

When added to the previously released set pictures, it is pretty obvious that Mutant Leader has invaded Gotham and means business.

Does the addition of the Mutant Leader character whet your appetite for what Fox and Gotham have in store for you for their final season? Like you needed anything else. Answer the call and share your excitement with us at GVNation.

Source: ComicBook

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