Mad Cave Studios A Legacy of Violence, Issue 2 by Cullen Bunn and Andrea Mutti can be found now at Mad Cave’s Subscription Site.
Browsing: MadCave Studios
We have made it to issue 5 of Mad Cave Comics Show’s End: The Second Coming. Get our thoughts on the 5th issue inside…
Mad Cave Studios Potions Inc. #5 is now available. Look for it on Mad Cave’s Subscription site. Read our review here…
Over the Ropes: Broken Kayfabe was another well-done homage to the world of wrestling. Writer Jay Sandlin went all out in the final issue.
Mad Cave Studios, The Tiger’s Tongue,’ Issue 4 by Olivia Stephens and Diansakhu Banton-Perry releases on October 19.
Mad Cave Studios Natures Labyrinth #1 by Writer Zac Thompson is available on the MadCave Studios Subscription Site on November 1st.
Dahlia in the Dark, Issue 1 by Joe Corallo and Andrea Milana with letters by Micah Myers comes in December by Mad Cave Studios.
Show’s End: The Second Coming, Issue 4 by Anthony Cleveland and Jef Sadzinski is available October 12th on Mad Cave’s subscription site.
By the time a limited series gets to the fourth issue, the story should be hitting on all cylinders. Read our review inside…
The Tiger’s Tongue issue 3 is a brilliant transformative tale thus far. Read our full review for issue 3 inside here…