Opinion: Season Three of American Gods Was The Best In The Series

Yes, I know American Gods was canceled. No, I won’t stop talking about it.

If you know me, you know how big of a fan I am of the Starz show American Gods. I covered every episode, interviewed several of the actors, and did several podcasts on the show. I so wanted a fourth season of the show and it may be a little foolish, but I am holding out a small amount of hope for a wrap-up TV movie. Something that has been reported by several different outlets.

Why Season Three Was The Best Season

Photo Credit: Starz

I’m not going to dwell on events that happened behind the scenes because it seems every outlet cannot report American Gods news without a four-paragraph expose on BTS drama. To me, the show should not be defined by this. But, even this is not the point of this article. It’s to talk about season three – the final season, for now. And why I think it’s actually the best one out of all three seasons.

Why People Could Not Let Go of Season One

Photo Credit: Starz

People seem very attached to season one. Primarily because Bryan Fuller and Michael Green were the showrunners for the seasons. Fuller has a large fanbase behind him from Pushing Daisies and Hannibal. He has a unique style that certainly set the stage for the look and feel of the show. So, when Fuller and Green left, people were upset. Since I hadn’t really been familiar with Fuller’s work beforehand, I did not have the attachment others did. I was attached to the characters, actors, and the story. Especially after reading the book in between seasons one and two.

Season Three Took Chances

And contrary to popular opinion, I really enjoyed season two. Which, now brings us to season three. Season three was quite bold in the fact that it brought in characters that never existed in the book. Such as Liam Doyle and Cordelia. It also brought in different actors like Danny Trejo and Dominique Jackson to play World, in addition to Crispin Glover. These are all things I enjoyed.

Establishing The Side Characters

Photo Credit: Starz

And the show introduced storylines never included in the book. But, how could they not? In the book, characters like Salim, Bilquis, and Technical Boy have incredibly small roles. Seasons one and two already had expanded on these characters, so it made sense to give them their own storylines. Bilquis, Salim, and Tech Boy seemed like massive characters compared to their book counterparts, so it was only fair to give them room to play with.

Season three also did what it could to get things back on track with the book. Season one almost took too much time setting up characters and not enough time setting up story, stretching things further away from the linear events that are meant to happen. And with season two not having the best direction, it seemed that season three was going to have a difficult time getting Shadow to where he was supposed to be.

How Season Three Got On Track

However, season three got Shadow to Lakeside. It got Mr. Wednesday killed and it set up for the big Mr. World reveal. It ended with Shadow hanging from Yggdrasill, which is the pivotal moment in the book. The season clearly was setting up to finish this story and I’m devastated that Starz cut the cord. Season three had a wonderful new story in Lakeside, furthered Bilquis and Tech Boy’s storylines, broke down Laura’s walls, and gave us the best Shadow we’ve had in the series. A Shadow who was being his own person and who had personality and charisma.

I can only hope that we, as the fans; can get some sort of closure. There are so many people celebrating this cancelation and so many people who wanted it to fail after season one. For those who stuck around and enjoyed it, I wish we could at least get an end.

What’d you think of American Gods season three?

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