Author: Tia Fabi

A girl with too many fandoms to count.

Before you say anything, your favorite underrated character may not be on this list. Game of Thrones has such a vast collection of characters that there are literally dozens that you could mention. For this article, my fellow Geek Vibes Nation contributor Kevin Scott and I discussed who we thought were a good handful of characters that just don’t get the appreciation they deserve. There was a long list, but for the sake of this feature, here are the five that we’ve picked to represent. The Hound Granted, season seven saw a good amount of online attention and appreciation for…

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Both Daredevil and Jessica Jones saw the division of friendships in their second seasons. It seems like Iron Fist is planning to go a step further. In the first season, we saw the brewing of discord between Danny Rand and his longtime friend Davos. Jealous that Rand became the Iron Fist and angry that it didn’t seem like he was worthy of the title, Davos can be seen meeting with Joy Meachum at the end of the season to plot against the titular character. Joy has her own vendetta against the boy wonder, having just reunited with her father and…

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”1279″ img_size=”400×300″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The Defenders brought together four superheroes from their standalone shows on Netflix. Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist. This mini-series consisting of eight episodes was highly anticipated. Every time a hint, trailer, or twitter post popped up, we fans ate up. I was so utterly excited to see these four superheroes get together and see how their personalities meshed. How would Luke and Jessica act towards each other after their history? What would Daredevil be like in the aftermath of season two’s finale? And would the Punisher make an appearance, since he was teased in…

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The #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement keeps getting more interesting by the second. Like a good spy novel, twists and turns are around every corner and what used to seem like a simple answer is in fact unwoven to reveal conspiracy theories that could potentially take down – okay, I’m getting ahead of myself. The point is, if you’ve been on the internet lately, you know that there is a large group of people who are constantly putting out he hashtag “Release the Snyder Cut”. This is the version of Justice League where Joss Whedon, the director who stepped in when Snyder stepped away for…

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One of the things that bummed me out a little about the idea of an IT movie with adult versions of the younger cast, was the concept that maybe the younger cast wouldn’t be in the second chapter. This was most likely ignorant of me to think that and in no way do I have anything against the older cast, it was just that the kids featured in 2017’s IT film were so talented and so great to watch. Now that filming is underway for IT: Chapter Two, I can see that I was wrong and that we will still…

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It should not be a surprise to anyone that fandoms can be toxic at times. There always seems to be some faction of fans that insist on being too loud with their disagreement over casting for movies and television shows. I remember when Idris Elba received backlash over being cast as Heimdall in the first Thor film. Kelly Marie Tran left social media due to racist trolling after she stared in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Why do some people insist on being so angry over casting decisions that they literally harass actors online to the point of these stars having…

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This past week or so has been crazy. First, James Gunn was fired due to inappropriate tweets from ten years ago resurfacing, then rumors circulating that Disney was considering hiring Gunn back. These tweets in question include very inappropriate jokes; jokes that Gunn has seemed to apologize for both currently and when he was originally hired to direct the first Guardians of the Galaxy. This was a massive blow to the MCU community and has divided fans, between those who are saying to keep Gunn away and those who urge people to remember that this was over a decade ago…

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Supergirl has a multitude of exciting aspects about it. Not only has it featured the original Wonder Woman herself Lynda Carter and will be featuring the first transgender superhero, but it has now brought on a sci-fi veteran to add to their show. You may best know him as Lt. Data in Star Trek: The Next Genera, but Brent Spiner has had a long career appearing in movies and television shows. Spiner will have a reoccurring role in Supergirl’s fourth season as Vice President Baker. As VP Baker, Spiner will play a character who is an unlikely leader, but will…

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In light of the news that 2013’s post-apocalyptic ice age train-ride Snowpiercer is getting its own spinoff television series, I’ve decided to dedicate this week’s Throwback Thursday to the movie. Starring Chris Evans, this film is Bong Joon-Ho’s first English speaking project. It’s set seventeen years after the earth has been engulfed by another Ice Age, due to humankind’s response to Global Warming.

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SPOILER WARNING: There are a few things that are unforgivable in this world. Biting your fork while eating, not using your blinker when turning, and Loki’s death in Avengers: Infinity War. Tom Hiddleston has played the God of Mischief since the first Thor movie in 2011. Since then, Hiddleston has become a cornerstone in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fans look forward to his appearances at conventions, his name dropped in movies, and almost every villain in the MCU we always compare to Loki. Sure, we probably knew he’d die in Infinity War. I was accepting it. Even as a…

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